IN ATTENDANCE: Anthony Bono, Lorraine Kohr, Mark Troy, Robert Lombardi, and Richard Bielecki
Mr. Bono called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM and the entire Board answered to a Roll Call.
RE: Minutes
MOTION: by Mr. Bielecki to table Meeting minutes to next meeting.
SECOND: by Mr. Lombardi
Re: Treasurer Report
Mr. Lombardi went over a new report in detail.
MOTION: by Ms. Kohr to approve Treasurer?’s report as presented
SECOND: Mr. Bielecki
Re: Insurance Bid
There was discussion concerning the insurance bid with Mr. Parker.
MOTION: by Mr. Lombardi to go into Executive Session for consideration of the insurance bid
SECOND: Ms. Kohr
Roll Call 5 Ayes
Re: Executive Session
Board went into Executive Session
Board returned from Executive Session
Re: Insurance Bid
President recognized Mr. Lombardi. Mr. Lombardi announced that it was difficult to compare numbers on the two bids. Mr. Lombardi asked Mr. Parker to take the format of other bid and send information to Board by 2/15. Mr. Lombardi will fax forma to Mr. Parker by 2/12. Mr. Parker agreed.
MOTION: by Mr. Lombardi to go into Executive Session to review Director position.
SECOND: Mr. Bielecki
Roll Call 5 Ayes
Board went into Executive Session.
Board Returned form Executive Session
Mr. Bono announced a decision was made on Director. Mr. Bono announced the insurance bids were out for more information.
Re: Late charges on payment
Mr. Bono suggested we charge $100 a day if next payment was late.
Mr. Lombardi suggested in was the situation we were in and AT&T had already paid next payment.
MOTION: by Mr. Lombardi to go table until next payments due
SECOND: by Mr. Bielecki
4 Ayes (Mr. Lombardi, Ms. Kohr, Mr. Troy, Mr. Bielecki)
1 Nay (Mr. Bono)
Re: Base Donation
MOTION: by Mr. Lombardi to give $100 to Base in name of BCAM
SECOND: by Mr. Bono
Ms. Kohr suggested we create guidelines for donations, political ads
MOTION: by Ms. Kohr BCAM establish a budget for donations each year
SECOND: by Mr. Lombardi
Re: February 25, 2000 School Committee
a. Parking Spaces
There was a discussion on if we should look at cost first or ask School committee.
Ask to explore possibilities
b. Signage
Steve to get size
c. Sullivan Studios
MOTION: by Mr. Troy that a sub committee be set up for naming studio & explore names
SECOND: by Mr. Bielecki
4 Ayes (Mr. Bielecki, Mr. Troy, Mr. Lombardi, MS. Kohr)
1 Nay (Mr. Bono)
Re: Supplies
Mr. Lombardi would like to purchase supplies including date stamp, stamps, and 2 drawer file cabinets.
MOTION: by Mr. Lombardi to use PO#0009 for $150.11
SECOND: by Ms. Kohr
Mr. Bielecki suggested tape recorder tapes, hanging folders.
MOTION: by Mr. Lombardi to move PO#0009 to $175
SECOND: by Ms. Kohr
Re: Vehicle
There was a discussion on vehicle and maintenance. When we have insurance, we will put in shop and paint.
Re: Character Generator
2 bids $3325 for Government Access Channel
Mr. Troy questioned if you could use tape looping.
MOTION: by Mr. Lombardi to buy Character generator not to exceed $3325
SECOND: by Ms. Kohr
MOTION: by Ms. Kohr Project out future volunteer
SECOND: by Mr. Lombardi
Re: Political Ads
There was a discussion on political ads. They are up and running
MOTION: by Mr. Lombardi for ads to be $10 a week, $30 a month
SECOND: by Mr. Troy
AMENDMENT: by Mr. Lombardi for Text only $10 a week, $30 a month and $10 more for graphics
SECOND: by Mr. Bielecki
There was discussion on where money should go. It was agreed to the general fund
Re: Habitat for Humanity
There was discussion on the Habitat for Humanity item from last meeting. They made need personnel and they were looking for permission to pursue.
Re: Meeting time
Motion form last meeting on meeting time
After some discussion motion was withdrawn.
MOTION: by Mr. Troy that we establish a uniform meeting time
SECOND: by Mr. Lombardi
After some discussion on when people were available, Mr. Bielecki
Moved the motion.
MOTION: by Mr. Bielecki meet 1st Monday of month 7:30 PM not to exceed midnight
SECOND: by Mr. Lombardi
MOTION: by Mr. Bielecki to let Mr. Innis have $500 to cover accounts until credit established.
SECOND: by Mr. Troy
MOTION: by Mr. Troy to table rest f items & Adjourn
SECOND: by Mr. Lombardi
Meeting adjourned at 9:55 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Richard Bielecki