Thanks to all that attended the Blockwatch meeting Tuesday night. We had a great turnout- the best we have ever had. It is nice to know that we have concerned residents that are willing to help and donate some time to protect our neighborhood.
In attendance we had detective Christine Kulis from the sexual abuse squad of the Columbus Police Department. She is the one investigating the attempted rape a few weeks ago. She spoke to us about what she does and explained to us about sexual assault. She informed all of us on how important it is to call the police and let them know if someone has been sexually assaulted. Questions were asked to her about the status of the attempted rape a few weeks ago. A composite has been created and she is waiting from her lieutenant to release it. It takes time because it has to be precise and accurate. The only thing she really could tell us is that it is definitely being worked on and no more information could be told in order not to jeopardize the investigation. One major thing that she told us is that if you feel from your gut that someone or something is not right and doesn’t belong in the neighborhood to call the police immediately. Use your best judgment. There are a lot of people out there that fits the description of the man who did this so we have to use good judgment.
We are not going to get in trouble if the police arrive and it is a false alarm.
After Christine left we talked about our strategy for blockwatch. A blockwatch member list of all participants, email addresses and phone numbers was handed out along with area representative maps. We addressed the patrolling issue. Most everyone in attendance was willing to help out with patrolling the neighborhood. We stressed on how communication is very important. Street lights was also an issue brought up. We need them in the entire neighborhood. Michele Roskuski, our president is working on this. Overall the meeting was a huge success.
For those of you who could not attend the meeting, attached you will find a blockwatch member list. This again, is a list of everyone that is participating in the blockwatch and gives their email addresses along with some phone numbers.
For those of you who were there, this is an updated version from the one at the meeting. I updated it with the phone numbers.
Just one last note, a question was asked at the blockwatch meeting that I feel is very important. An individual asked “What is really the duty of being on the block watch“ ?.
1.Patrol the neighborhood on a regular basis
2.If something or someone looks suspicious call the police and call anyone on the blockwatch list to inform what is going on. * Remember to use your best judgment and gut feeling
3.Never confront anyone-That is in the hands of the Columbus Police Department
Overall, being a part of the blockwatch is an honor of protecting our entire neighborhood to be a safer place to live.
Thanks for your time
Cheri Raker
Blockwatch Coordinator-Brandywine Meadows