by Tom Dietzel
The purpose of the Braun Station East Welcome Committee is to meet, greet and familiarize new residents of our community to assist them in truly making this their community. We provide them a welcome packet that includes pertinent information about our neighborhood and the surrounding area. Along with the packet, we include Braun Station East mugs, Braun Station East stickers for the family vehicle, and a ?“I love Braun Station?” bumper sticker.
The Welcome Committee assists new residents during the stress of moving to a new place, where they generally know few people and have many questions, and we hope to ease the transition to our neighborhood. We include copies of our rules and restrictions to assist those we welcome to be in touch with the standards expected to preserve, protect, and enhance our homes and property, and to keep the quality of life in Braun Station East at a high level.
If you?’d like to meet people, and assist new residents in becoming part of our community, we would love to see you volunteer for the Welcome Committee.