Brentwood/Cavalier Neighborhood Association


Posted in: Parkwood Ranch
Where's the Neighborhood (HOA)?

I am a new resident of Parkwood Ranch; I just moved in a few months ago. When I looked at homes in PR a few months ago, the thing that attracted me was the appearance of a nicely kept neighborhood. Well, that is long past (quickly I might add).

Recently, I have noticed neighbors of PR not caring for their property at the least, to just downright disrespecting PR rules and regulations for a neighborhood we all expect through our quarterly dues and regulations we are expected to follow.

I am very disappointed in the lack of enforcement through our HOA and can't believe what I see on a daily basis from carefree neighbors in the care of their own property (investment) not to mention their selfish lack of respect for their fellow investors (neighbors).

I am questioning why we pay a dues if there is not going to be any type of enforcement through representation of our HOA in PR. I am considering taking a full page ad within local newspapers with evidence of lack of interest in both carefree neighbors and what appears to be an absent HOA that is only interested in accepting quarterly dues.

Where is our representation, where is our neighborhood investment protection, where is the neighborhood that attracted me to the area?

Please share your constructive views and concerns. Something needs to be done!!! I am tired of looking at junkie cars parked in the streets and untidy yards, to just downright lazy people not caring properly for the rules they agreed to before purchasing their home at their title company. why aren't our local real-estate agents (J. Self, etc.) looking into their own interests of improving the neighborhood promised, but now lost???

With that stated, is it really necessary for a 3-4 bedroom home to have 5 cars with a 3 car garage? is it really necessary to drive your ATVs through our parkways and residential streets? is it necessary to race your project car (hobby) up and down our streets in a 25mph zone putting fellow neighbors and children in danger? is it necessary to leave your blue and black trash cans in the street for 48-72 hours past pickup? The list could go on and on.

Where is our HOA on these matters I witness on a daily occurrence? I'm positive I am not the only PR resident who agrees (albeit upset), but is truly disgusted with the lackluster performance of our HOA here in PR. We are all busy and all work and have families. I'm not looking for excuses or sympathy as to why some neighbors refuse to respect themselves and others. I am only interested in concrete resolutions that I assumed were part of my quarterly dues as a PR resident and home-owner.

--Concerned and frustrated.
Where's the Neighborhood (HOA)?

I am a new resident of Parkwood Ranch; I just moved in a few months ago. When I looked at homes in PR a few months ago, the thing that attracted me was the appearance of a nicely kept neighborhood. Well, that is long past (quickly I might add).

Recently, I have noticed neighbors of PR not caring for their property at the least, to just downright disrespecting PR rules and regulations for a neighborhood we all expect through our quarterly dues and regulations we are expected to follow.

I am very disappointed in the lack of enforcement through our HOA and can't believe what I see on a daily basis from carefree neighbors in the care of their own property (investment) not to mention their selfish lack of respect for their fellow investors (neighbors).

I am questioning why we pay a dues if there is not going to be any type of enforcement through representation of our HOA in PR. I am considering taking a full page ad within local newspapers with evidence of lack of interest in both carefree neighbors and what appears to be an absent HOA that is only interested in accepting quarterly dues.

Where is our representation, where is our neighborhood investment protection, where is the neighborhood that attracted me to the area?

Please share your constructive views and concerns. Something needs to be done!!! I am tired of looking at junkie cars parked in the streets and untidy yards, to just downright lazy people not caring properly for the rules they agreed to before purchasing their home at their title company. why aren't our local real-estate agents (J. Self, etc.) looking into their own interests of improving the neighborhood promised, but now lost???

With that stated, is it really necessary for a 3-4 bedroom home to have 5 cars with a 3 car garage? is it really necessary to drive your ATVs through our parkways and residential streets? is it necessary to race your project car (hobby) up and down our streets in a 25mph zone putting fellow neighbors and children in danger? is it necessary to leave your blue and black trash cans in the street for 48-72 hours past pickup? The list could go on and on.

Where is our HOA on these matters I witness on a daily occurrence? I'm positive I am not the only PR resident who agrees (albeit upset), but is truly disgusted with the lackluster performance of our HOA here in PR. We are all busy and all work and have families. I'm not looking for excuses or sympathy as to why some neighbors refuse to respect themselves and others. I am only interested in concrete resolutions that I assumed were part of my quarterly dues as a PR resident and home-owner.

--Concerned and frustrated.

Iam one of the original home owner in park wood ranch, and a agree with you one hundred percent. the neighbor hod is going to hell in a hen basket. I call and complain thousand of times about the same things you have stated, only to be called a pest.


  Robert J. Trybus

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I agree, take a look around, homeowner pride is deteriorating. It's sad but it doesn't have to be this way. Instead of complaining take a stand. It's easier to nip the problem in the bud than to let it all accumulate to the point of total disrepair. Don't stop complaining to the management company and be sure to include the board members at well. So what that they will brand you as a pest. We pay quarterly dues and it is our privilege to expect tidy surroundings and well maintained common areas. That's why we bought into an HOA governed community in the first place. One of the problems contributing to the decline is the turnover of residence. In our particular area, many of the homes are now occupied by renters. Homes are vacated for months and in desperation, Investors or homeowners on the run find renters on the cheap to reside in their properties so that they can recover at least some of their investment before they lose it. Many of these renters don't know the CC&R's and these rules and regulations are not communicated to them. I am not saying that all of them would abide if they knew the rules because some of them just don't give a damm. I see these same disturbing signs you see that are plaguing the neighborhood. Trash containers left out in the streets 24/7 and the occupiers of the house carrying their garbage to the street; unpainted exterior walls (remember last year we were supposed to all have painted them?); too many vehicles per household; weeds that have become bush-size and etc. Another trend of recent is the emergence of home operated businesses in the wake of job losses. Auto repairing and landscape businesses in particular. There seems to be an ever increasing number of landscape trucks and trailors parked all over the place. My advice is to not give in to these violators and be proactive not inactive. Make copies of the rules that are being broken from the CC&R's (highlight in marker) and write a "friendy" and diplomatic reminder to the occupant and tape it on their garage or front door. This serves as having addressed the issue with the occupant. If the problem persists, you may want to post another reminder. If they are the type of citizens that live by and obey rules (there are many in life) they will comply. If not, keep after the management company to get something done and be sure to let the board know that you are dissatisfied with the management company's performance. I personally have dealth with our management company and they tend to have an attitude. I also have served on an association board for 5 years in every capacity and I know that management companies can be replaced. There are plenty of these companies out there that would love an opportunity to gain our business and serve our community and therefore we should not have to accept arrogance or inactivity as being OK. These are hard times and the dues we pay are not chunk change...We pay for the right to be heard and to receive representation and anything short of this is unacceptable. If the board members hear enough complaints about our management company's substandard performance and inability to uphold our bi-laws, perhaps they will do as they were  elected to do and find someone who will. Afterall, even they would benefit by this.

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I agree! Your Management Company should be walking the property once a week and communicating with the board of directors on next steps and action items. You need a management company that inspires pride in your community.

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