Results of our Reconvened 2012 Meeting June 23, 2012
As President of our Hoa I wanted to give you an idea of what went on in our meeting. First of all we had 10 members show up out of 108. I am thankful for the ones that came out. We had a quorum so that we could conduct business only because of the 35 proxys and the 7 delinquent owners. We voted in Rhonda Wiltshire and Don Martinson has our officers to a 2 year term starting July 1, 2012. Angela decided to retire at the end of her term. Thank you for serving. Also Don is only staying on until we have sometime take his place.
I also mentioned those in our community that need to be in our thoughts and prayers- Rhonda(had surgery done) Angela's mother(rushed to the hospital this am) Estelle (continued praying for her healing from the cancer) Allen( out of the hospital- still gets tired) Betti( was in the hospital- doing a little better)
Several of our members present shared some things especially about several break-ins and robberys in the neighborhood.-