The Brewer Height Neighborhood Association
Post Office Box 9532
Montgomery, Ala 36108
The Name of the Neighborhood Organization Shall be The Brewer Height Neighborhood Association.
The boundaries are Selma Hwy 80 South to Brewer Road north to Hayneville Road west to Richardson Road (east side of street residents only) south to Selma Hwy 80.
The purpose of the organization is to promote communication between the residents and between the residents and the city agencies to impove the livability of the neighborhood.
Membership must be open and inclusive to any person residing within the boundaries of Brewer Height Neighborhood Association. Residents will not be discriminated against from becoming members of the association based on race, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, national origin, income, or political affiliation.
The collection of dues will be voluntary or by a majority vote of the membership resent at it’s regular scheduled meeting.
1. The officers shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
2. Beginning in 2006, elections shall be held in January 2008.
3. The President and Vice-President shall be the principal officer of the association and shall supervise and control all the business and affairs of the association. The Vice President presiding in the absence of the President.
4. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings and conduct assigned correspondence for the association.
5. The Treasurer shall have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds of the association and such depositories as shall be selected by the members. The Treasurer will also provide an updated financial report and or bank statement as each general meeting of the association.
6. The term of the office shall be for 2 year (s). Officers may be re-nominated each ear and serve unlimited terms.
7. An Officer may resign by giving 60 days notice in writing to membership.
1. The Brewer Height Neighborhood Association shall meet 12 times a year.
2. A quorum for conducting business shall be 6 members.
3. Special or emergency meetings of the association may be called at the discretion of the President.
4. The time, date, and location of the each general meeting shall be at the James A. Brown Community Meeting Hall.
5. Special committee may be formed at the discretion of the president or vote or the membership.
6. The association will abide by the open meeting and open record practice.
The fiscal year will run from January 1 thur December 31 of each year.
All members and non-members living within the association boundaries are encouraged to present their grievances concerning activities, fund raising, policies and agendas. The decision to act upon the or make a final decision regarding such grievances will be made by senior officers, and/or vote by the majority of association members.
The Brewer Height Neighborhood Association welcomes the idea and encourages networking with other neighborhood associations and or homeowner groups. Although the boundary lines are set forth, that does not preclude the possibility of an alliance with other neighborhood groups. It is our desire to work with all concerned citizens in Montgomery’s Neighborhoods.
By-laws may be revisited and or amended once a year or as recommended by a majority vote of membership