Our Association was formed "to promote a pleasant, orderly and secure environmnet within the neighborhood and to provide a vehicle for communication among the residents in order that they may make informed decisions on pertinent issues. Further, the Assocciation will provide an avenue for cooperating with other neighborhoods." In order to do this, committees exist for the purpose of making recommendations to the Board and the general membership. Below is a brief description of committees. In order to sign up for a committee, contact Rita Toland at 323-8737.
COMMUNICATIONS - This committee is responsible for the delivery of the newsletter to the houses on their street.
NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH - This is a street by street decsion and currently as such does not exist. However, this committee would be responsible for graffiti abatement and developing a relationship with our geo-police officer and if possible, disseminate crime information to neighbors (i.e. via the newletter.
HISTORICAL - Broadmoor is turning 50. This committee will research the feasibility of Broadmoor becoming an historical neighborhood. In addition, this committee will put together a history of our neighborhood via scrapbooks, etc. Some of the ground work has been done, we just need to pick up the ball again.
GRIEVANCE - Thankfully, this committee is rarely used.
WELCOMING - Unfortunately, this committee is not used enough.