Broadview Farms Neighborhood Association

December General Meeting

Aug 05, 2007

Broadview Farms Neighborhood Association
Thursday December 14, 2006
BFNA Meeting Minutes
First Christian Church
6031 Goodrich Dr.

Ronda Yoder, President, welcomed members and guests & called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. The first order of business was the reading of the minutes from November meeting. Mrs. Margrette Barker made a motion to accept the minutes, and Audrey Taylor seconded the motion. The minutes were accepted as read. Joe Flynn gave the financial report of $1,025.00 in the bank. In addition, the Associations taxe report has been filled out and mailed. The association?’s tax year runs from Oct 1 to Sept 30. Although all income from the association is from member?’s dues, a tax form still needed to be filed to show no taxes due.

Old Business: Please continue to work on our volunteer hours. When you have completed any hours fill out form and submit them to Joe Flynn as he must submit them to the city each month to show our progress.

Sidewalk Update: As the residents of Langley Ave are aware, sidewalks are becoming a part of their yard. Kevin Cowper with the city?’s Design & Planning has been contacted with some concerns residents had. Originally the sidewalk was to be 15ft from the road in from the road. After Langley residents expressed their concerns, they were accommodated by having the sidewalks moved close to the road (approx. 2ft off the road) and the sidewalks are generally 5ft across. In certain areas, the ground is being dug deeper because the sidewalks have to stay a certain height above the roadbed, according to guidelines and city codes. This is to accommodate if someone were to fall off the sidewalk to the road.

Library Update: The library continues to stay on target. We will continue to update and relay information as it is received.

Box tops/soup labels: Please continue to bring in these items along with soda can tabs as we will continue to donate these items to the schools and Ronald McDonald House.

Renewal of Dues: For anyone who has not renewed their dues for 2006-2007 year, they need to do so. Please give your dues to Joe Flynn, Treasurer.

Neighborhood Sign: Placement of the Neighborhood sign continues to be planned and is moving forward. We will be seeking out a contractor and timeline soon. The east sign placement is just in front of the Yoder?’s property and the west sign?’s placement is at the last turnaround on Langley before you descend the hill toward Davis Highway.

New Business: Monthly Meeting Signs ?– At this time Ronda opened the floor for discussion on purchasing some yard signs (around 20) to announce our monthly neighborhood meetings. The signs would be placed around the neighborhood for members to see as a reminder of the meeting each month, then would be removed and saved for the next month. After members discussed their views about the signs, Mrs. Margrette Barker motioned to have the signs purchased and Mindy Besch second the motion. After taking a vote, there were no dissenting votes on purchasing these signs. Signs will be purchased after the New Year.

With no further business to discuss Carole Davis motioned for the meeting to adjourn and Irene Carannante seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Mindy Besch, Secretary

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