- kimerly
- Respected Neighbor
- 51 Posts
I would like your feedback on what you would like to see implemented to our policies for the neighborhood. The board is currently working on setting policies and set the corrective penalties for infractions. We need you help in knowing what is important to YOU. The covenants and restrictions will NOT change, only we will be adding necessary policies that are set by the board. We are striving to make our neighborhood on you are proud to live in> PLEASE, if you have any suggestions, feel free to contact me!
Re: What would you enforce?
The first thing off the top of my head is the 'no cars on the street overnight' policy. The idiot across the street from me at any time has anywhere from 3 to 500 cars in his driveway and/or in front of his house at any time, and usually overnight. Which, unfortunately, makes it very difficult for me to back out of my driveway. It also creates a bottleneck for traffic in the mornings/evenings.
Re: What would you enforce?
I agree with the no cars parked overnight rule, however I think there should be some leniency with just one or two cars because sometimes you may have an unexpected guest and/or have no room left. Also, I believe littering should be strictly enforced--there is nothing worse than seeing that ravine being reduced to rubble in less than a week because of careless or lazy construction workers. I believe that the visible AC unit rule is rubbish (it wouldn't be, however, it could be seen from all sides--but that's not the case, is it?). It's nearly impossible to notice it while driving by, and only the most detail oriented people will notice them while walking by. These are just the most important that popped out in my head, however if I wanted to, I could come up with several other rules being ignored.
What would you enforce?
The specific question with respect to ''What would you enforce?'' is vigorously enforce all deed restrictions. If the question is administratively how to enforce the deed restriction, see the websites http://www.ci.pasadena.tx.us/deedrestrictions.pdf and http://www.associationtimes.com/articles2005/DeedRestriction1205.htm as a good examples. My family recently moved from a development that sent out notices of violation within less than one week requiring compliance within 14 days as another point of reference.
Also, is the HOA enforcing not dumping debris in the common area by builders. One pool was recently built with the dirt being left on the common area. If the builds would clean and smooth the common area behind new construction lots it would go a long way in facilitating maintaining the common areas.