Buckman Community Association

BCA General Meeting 03/08/07

BCA General Meeting 03/08/07

(DRAFT) Buckman Community Association
Meeting Minutes
March 8, 2007

7:07 Susan Lindsay called the meeting to order

Introductions: Twenty community members were in attendance including the following board members: Jim Andrews, Susan Lindsay, Mike Wolfson, Gilly Burlingham, Ann Bowling, and Linda Rhoads.

Portland Police Department Update

Officer Glaske presented crime statistics for the period February 4th through March 6th. About 3 weeks ago, 3 burglary suspects were apprehended – burglaries dropped dramatically in the past month.

Inquiry was made about a possible serial rapist based on reports of a couple of instances in the SE 39th and Stark area. Mike Wolfson asked Officer Glaske to keep us updated if there is reason for concern.

Officer Glaske reported that Portland PD is close to identifying a suspect in the shooting incident at SE Belmont and 39th.

Suspects who have allegedly stolen more than 1,000 trailers have been arrested.

Camping is still occurring at SE 9th and Stark (NW corner) – there seem to be fewer tents

CBO Grants

Susan Lindsay gave an overview of the review process:
Meeting held Monday, March 5th, 5-8 pm.
Grant proposals are being reviewed.
Next meeting will be first Tuesday in April.

SE 20th and Morrison Adjustment and Appeal to LUBA

Steve Knudson gave an update:
1. Began with brief history of the sequence of events
2. Adjustment request was to waive loading space requirements
3. BCA opposed adjustment
4. Bureau of Development Services (BDS) approved adjustment with minor changes
5. BCA appealed BDS decision
6. Review committee upheld BDS decision to grant adjustment
7. Christine Yun filed appeal with LUBA (Copy of LUBA appeal brief submitted to BCA)
8. LUBA hearing scheduled for March 29th, 11:00 a.m. in Salem. Anyone wanting to participate must notify LUBA at least 2 weeks prior to hearing.
9. Notes are available from Steve Knudson defining the relationship between BCA and Christine Yun.

Anyone wanting to join the neighborhood e-mail list serve about this issue should contact Christine Yun at pyung@pyung.com.

Susan Lindsay raised the question of BCA appealing to LUBA.

There are two separate issues to consider:
Case #1: Density bonuses and adjustment issue
Case #2: File a LUBA appeal to City’s decision.

Jim Andrews made a motion for BCA to intervene in appeal of City’s adjustment decision if an eligible party decides to proceed with appeal to LUBA.
Second to motion made by Gilly Burlingham.
All present board members voted in favor. (Unanimous.)

Jim Andrews made a motion that BCA spend $ 1,000 toward legal expenses of LUBA appeals.
Second to motion made by Gilly Burlingham.
All present board members voted in favor. (Unanimous.)

Gary Shepherd (Attorney) will be asked to give a cost estimate and likelihood of winning either or both of the LUBA appeals.

Strong Mayor/Weak Commissioners?

Discussion and presentations of perspectives will occur at next BCA meeting (April 12th).

April 10th, League of Women Voters is hosting a similar event. (Gilly Burlingham)

Tif Update

Susan Lindsay attended PDC meeting about this. Is trying to increase subsidized housing for western areas of Buckman neighborhood.

Washington High School and New Community Center

Susan Lindsay explained issues and options associated with development of Washington High School and new Community Center.

Buckman/Kerns Neighborhood Clean-up

Ann Bowling represented BCA at planning meeting with Kerns neighborhood clean-up planning committee. Planning coordinator tasks include:
· Participate in meetings with Kerns neighborhood 1x per week
· Recruit volunteers
· Get donations (Is Lilly doing this?)
· Organize activities on Saturday, April 28th
The location of the clean-up is E. Burnside and 26th.

Historic Designation Committee

The committee is meeting on the last (4th?) Monday of each month at 1415 SE Taylor.
Committee is learning from another neighborhood about what they have done. The two main pieces are:
1. Inventory (1-3 year process)
2. Content statement (story of the neighborhood)
Committee would like to be able to hire someone toward the end of the process.

Faddah Yvetsu Wolf shared recommendations of things we can start doing now.

Jim Andrews and Don MacGillivray recommended City resources regarding potential landmarks.

Susan Lindsay invited the committee to make a presentation at a future BCA meeting.

Don MacGilliviray shared information about a historian giving a presentation on the history of Mt. Tabor. Also shared that Ladd’s Addition open houses will occur the Saturday before Earth Day.

SEUL Update

Funding for Portland Office of Neighborhood Involvement (ONI) was discussed. (Information shared by Gilly Burlingham, BCA’s representative on the SEUL board.)

Jim Andrews made a motion for BCA to send a letter supporting ONI’s budget proposal.
Second to motion made by Ann Bowling.
All present board members voted in favor. (Unanimous.)

Gilly Burlingham reported that the SEUL board voted that the number one priority of SEUL is to support neighborhoods.

Community Infill Development Discussion: March 17th, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., 1900 SW 4th Ave. (PDC Building) (Gilly Burlingham)

“How to Update Your Bylaws”: Wednesday, March 28th at SEUL (Gilly Burlingham)

“How to Use E-Letters”: Wednesday, March 25th at SEUL (Gilly Burlingham)

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. made by Gilly Burlingham.
Second to motion made by Ann Bowling.
All present board members voted in favor. (Unanimous.)

Posted by buckmansecretary on 04/17/2007
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