Buckman Community Association

BCA Standing Rules

BCA Standing Rules

adopted November 1993

Don MacGillivray 7-04

Section 1. Date, Time and Place of Board Meetings.

Date: the Second Thursday of each month.
Time: 7:00 p.m.
with an informal discussion at 6:30 p.m. as needed.
Location: The P.P.S. Child Services Center Room C-121.

Section 2. Rules for Meetings.

* One person speaks at a time.
* Speak from your own experience.
* No put-downs of others or self.
* No cross talk (i.e. no side conversations or interrupting the speaker to dispute points).

Section 3. Order of Business at Board Meetings.

Whenever possible the agenda with be mailed to the Directors and those attending the last meeting accompanied by the minutes of the previous meeting.
1. call to order 1 min.
2. accept agenda for this meeting
3 min.
3. accept minutes of previous meeting
2-5 min.
(read if not previously mailed to directors)
4. reports from officers and/or delegates 2 min. each
5. reports from committees
3 min. each
6. old business up to 45 min.

7. new business up to 45 min.

note: speakers or other presentations may occur between these subject areas as needed and approved in the agenda. Presentations and discussion should not take longer than 30 minutes each unless a separate meeting is devoted to the subject.
Meeting should last no longer than 2 hours and finish at or before 9:00 p.m. If meetings become to long consideration should be given to having more than one meeting per month - a business meeting and a general meeting.

Section 4. Election of Directors

The election committee shall decide on the method of the election of directors. The committee shall administer the voting process for the election of directors. The results of the elections shall be announced before the end of the meeting at which the election is held.

Section 5. Election of Officers and Delegates.

To be determined by the new board and completed before the end of June.

Section 6. Duties of Directors of the Board.

1. The primary duty of each board member of the BCA board of directors is to attend the board meetings and participate in the business of the organization.
2. In addition to the above, board members are encouraged to become an officer, delegate, committee chair, committee member, and/or or representative of the BCA as described herein. Board members are encouraged to participate in the events and activities organized by the BCA. Board members are often asked to attend meetings and to speak/testify to issues relating to the affairs of the BCA.

Section 7. Duties of the Board Officers

1. Chairperson: He/she shall be responsible for the preparation of the agenda and shall preside (or designate a facilitator) at all meetings of the board. She/he shall endeavor to see that the BCA is operating well and in accordance with the City regulations, the BCA by-laws, and the BCA standing rules. Since the Chairperson is the contact person for the BCA, he/she shall endeavor to facilitate the communication of information to the Board of Directors and general membership.
2. Vice Chairperson: He/she shall assist the Chairperson. She/he shall fulfill the responsibilities of the Chairperson in his absence.
3. Secretary: She/he shall insure that minutes of meetings are recorded and attendance recorded. He/she shall maintain a file of all minutes and attendance of all meetings. She/he shall see that the above information is provided to S.E. Uplift in a timely manner. He/she shall know the Oregon Public Records and Open Meetings Law and insure that the BCA does its best to follow these laws (available from S.E. Uplift).
4. Treasurer: He/she shall be held accountable for all funds and shall give an accounting for the BCA funds once each quarter at board meetings. She/he shall safe keep and disburse BCA funds, but such disbursement shall require the signature of the Treasurer and the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, or Secretary. He/she shall follow the guidelines in Section 10.
5. Other optional officers: Historian, Parliamentarian, 2nd Vice Chairperson, Part Chairperson, etc.

Section 8. BCA Delegates.

BCA delegates are directors and general members that are appointed by the board to represent the BCA in other outside committees and organization. Persons acting in this capacity have the right to take positions in the name of the BCA, but the position must be reported to the BCA at the next board of directors meeting and be discussed and ratified at the discretion of the Board. Controversial decisions should be reviewed by the board before presenting the BCA position.

1. S.E. Uplift Board Delegate: Represents the BCA at the S.E. Uplift board of directors meetings. If possible a past chair of the BCA should fill this position. If not then a person of considerable experience serving with the BCA.

2. Inner S.E. Coalition Delegate: Represents the BCA at the Inner SE Coalition(currently inactive) meetings. This coalition is concerned with community development issues relating to the neighborhoods of: Buckman, Sunnyside, Kerns, Richmond, HAND, Brooklyn, and Creston-Kennilworth.

3. S.E. Uplift Land Use and Transportation Delegate: Represents the BCA at the S.E. Uplift Land Use and Transportation Committee meetings. This person is usually the chair of the Buckman Land Use committee.

4. Crime Prevention Delegate: Represents the BCA at the S.E. Uplift Crime Prevention Policy Committee (this committee under reorganization) meetings and at the East Precinct meetings. This individual is usually the chair of the Buckman Crime Prevention Committee (currently the Livability & Safety Committee).

5. Newsletter Editor: Insures that the “Buckman Voice” newsletter is published and distributed according to the neighborhood newsletter guidelines and within the budget provided by S.E. Uplift. It is expe
cted that this will be a collective effort in which many board members and others will participate. (See Guidelines for Neighborhood Associations available at S.E. Uplift).

6. Delegates to: Kerns, Sunnyside, HAND, CEIC, BABA, HBBA, Buckman PTA, Buckman/Col. Summers Community Gardens, REACH, St. Francis, Hinson Memorial Baptist Church, Four Square Church, and Central Catholic H.S.

While Buckman has not done this in the past it would be useful for a member of Buckman to attend as often as possible the meetings of our surrounding neighborhood associations, business associations, churches, and other community organizations.

Section 9. Committees.

Committees are created by the Board of Directors. The board must appoint the members to the committee. Two board members must be on each committee. Each committee must have a chairperson. The chairperson must insure that minutes are recorded and given to the secretary of the board in a timely manner along with a record of the persons in attendance. The functions of any inactive committee go to the Executive Committee or the board of directors for action or disposition.

The following Standing Committees will be maintained.

1. Executive Committee: See ARTICLE VII of the by-laws.

2. Land Use and Transportation: The Land Use and Transportation Committee shall review proposals that are received by the BCA and they shall make recommendations to the board of directors for action. They shall also review issues relating to transportation and make recommendations to the board of directors.

3. Crime Prevention Committee (currently the Livability & Safety Committee): The Crime Prevention Committee shall coordinate and encourage participation in the Neighborhood Watch Program and the Block Home Program. The committee shall work with the S.E. Uplift crime prevention coordinators and other criminal justice personnel.

4. Communications and Outreach Committee: This committee shall include the secretary and newsletter editor. They shall prepare and distribute the “Buckman Voice” newsletter. They shall work to create an active membership through meaningful ways to improve and learn about the Buckman neighborhood and the BCA.

5. Other potential Standing Committees: Other neighborhood associations have standing committees relating to:
1) Finances (resources),
2) Parks (& recreation),
3) Events and Activities,
4) Historic Resources,
5) Publicity,
6) Fund Raising, etc.

6. Other temporary committees: An Elections Committee Shall be appointed in January of each year to nominate potential board members and conduct the elections process.

A Grievance Committee may be formed by the board of directors to review and act on grievances that are brought before the board.

A by-laws committee shall be formed in the fall of every odd numbered year (1995, 1997, 1999, etc.). It shall review the by-laws and recommend changes to the board of directors prior to the board elections in May of the following year.

Special committees may be formed at any time by the board to perform and/or carry out a specific function or activity.

Sections 10. Treasury Procedures.

1. Auditing: A complete accounting of the BCA financial activities will be presented to the Board twice a year, once in the fall and once in the spring. The board may elect to have the records independently audited or accept the report as presented by the treasurer

2. Bonding: Bonding is not required for the treasurer.

3. Liability of the Treasurer: The Treasurer will not be held liable for error or omissions in handling the funds of the BCA except in cases of intentional theft.

4. Administration of funds: Debit and Deposit memos will be created for all transactions stating the date, purpose, person giving/receiving funds, and authorization (board directive).

5. Investment of funds: The treasurer shall invest the funds of the BCA to insure a reasonable return with the fund availability as directed by the board of directors.

Section 11. Board Planning.

Within the first three months after the elections of the new board of directors each May, the board will hold a planning session. It may be facilitated by a S.E. Uplift staff person. The board members should review the Buckman Neighborhood Plan. A written action plan should be developed and published in the “Buckman Voice” later in the fall. An annual budget should be developed to accompany the annual plan. It should be reviewed and revised as needed four to six months after it is developed.

Sections 12. Relationship with the District Coalition Board.

A copy of all minutes & agendas will be provided to the SE Uplift Dist. Coalition Office in a timely manner.

Section 13. Periodic review of By-laws

A copy of the by-laws shall be given to each new board member (along with a copy of the standing rules). In the fall of odd numbered years a committee shall be formed by the board to review the by-laws.

Section 14. Revision of Standing Rules.

These standing rules may be revised by a simple majority vote of the board of directors at any regularly scheduled meeting. These rules shall be reviewed each year immediately after the election of the board officers.

Posted by buck on 07/18/2004
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