According to this website there are 141 homes in our neighborhood.
141 X $300.00 = $42,300
What is all of the money being spent on?
According to this website there are 141 homes in our neighborhood. 141 X $300.00 = $42,300 What is all of the money being spent on? |
The Board hands out the budget every year at the annual meeting and I am sure they would give you a copy any time. |
Thank you for your input. It would be nice if the budget were posted on this website. This would give residents easy access, and it might be useful for contractors that wanted to compete for our business. |
I know that this is an old post.. but has anyone looked at the report to see if there is room to include a security patrol?
Even though we have several off-duty metro patrol cars in the area, this does not seem to be a deterrent to the vehicle burglaries that we had this weekend. |