Country Club Manor Association

Incessant Dog Barking

Posted in: Brighton Village At Valencia
  • Stock
  • chiz
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Valencia, CA
  • 5 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor
The neighbours' dogs bark incessantly all night long, especially on Friday nights when they are gone. I have written to them numerous times and implored them to be considerate, but to no avail. The manager's suggestion in the newsletter to call ASPCA about barking dogs is ridiculous. They will do nothing but tell me to go around the neighbourhood and get a petion and take it to small claims court. I live on Westview Lane and I pay $70 per month to the Homeowners Association and they should handle these matters. My nerves are shot. I feel as though I live in a barrio, a ghetto, a slum. Will someone please give me the manager's telephone number? Does anyone read this thing?
  • Stock
  • chiz
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Valencia, CA
  • 5 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

This place is a dump!!!! Dogs bark non-stop and the association does nothing. We pay association and they do nothing for us. Yell

You both have a point..AND you BOTH use the word; "Pay".


You are both taking the barking dog problem personally.  So, did you pay a personal, friendly visit to the homeowner(s) in question, politley introduce yourself and explain your problem, and politely request your neighbor's assistance in aleviating this problem?   I would imagine, if the dog is home alone on Friday night, they would have appreciated your advising them politely about their dog's behavior when they are gone.  One cannot put out a fire with gasoline.


I don't believe the homeowners association can do much.  We had a similar problem on our block.  The last responder is right, try to talk to the dog's owner first.  They may not be aware it's a problem..  If it continue, the only recourse is to take them to small claims court.  We had to do if anyone complains, they dog owners are fined.  The homeowners association does not have the jurisdiction to do this.  Good luck!

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