Why are the maintenance men and board of Directors putting this community at risk of health issues by not properly following procedures when removing Asbestos from our homes?
Shame on Them!
By Concerned Homeowner-Asbestos
- rtmackey
- Respected Neighbor
- Centennial, CO
- 14 Posts
RE: Asbestos
Do you have solid proof that there is asbestos in our buildings? If you do not then you need to stop trying to scare everyone into thinking that they are in danger. Much like the fool who shouts ''fire'' in a crowded theatre, you are only causing unnecessary and foolish panic. Stop using intimadation and scare tactics to frighten us into following you.
Do you have solid proof ?
Its common knowledge since the first fire here at Highline Meadows that our ceiling acostic popcorn contains up to 7% asbestos.
By asbestos
solid proof
You want solid proof!Walk over to building # 130 on the 3rd floor and see for yourself,then ask yourself what has tmmc and your board done for you lately?