We hope that all of you had a joyous Christmas and Holiday Season and wish the best for all of you in the coming New Year. May your new year be filled with wonderful opportunities, personal and professional, and that we never forget the simple but most important things in life, love, laughter, family and friends. Cheers!!
Where In The Wildwood Contest ?– We haven't had a winner in two months, this one is a real stumper! The prize is up to $15.00 at Graeters, sounds like a Banana Split to me!! How well do you know our city? Test your powers of observation with our monthly contest at www.cityofwildwood-ky.com and you could be a winner too!
I was made aware yesterday that there have been two break-ins over the past week in the vehicles at 107 Tanglewood. Please lock your cars at night to help prevent this and if you see anything out of the ordinary, call the police. The Eighth District has been notified and patrols stepped up.
If anyone is interested in spending an hour a month helping to keep city notes we are very interested in talking to you. Please call me at 425.6009, or speak to any of the commissioners!
There have been discussions in the monthly meeting regarding the disposal of the CFL bulbs. I spoke with Rumpke and they said they will not take the CFLs but suggested that we take them to Home Depot which has a drop off. The Waste contract also states each home owner is allowed to put one large piece out per week at no additional fee. If a home owner cleans out their garage and had a truck load they can have a pick-up for $75 that would be billed to the home owner. If we wanted to have a citywide Junk pick-up it would cost the city a minimum of $625. More on this later.
Just a reminder, overnight street parking is against city ordinance! If you are a resident or a guest of a resident you need to park in the driveway! Grass parking is also against city ordinance. We have attached our revised ordinances to keep all of our residents up to date on parking, boat storage and land use.
Our next meeting is on January 15th at Starbucks at 6:00. Please feel free to stop by!!
Written by: Craig Brangers