C.O.N.A. of South Pinellas County

We appreciate our new Editor, Paula Engel

Jun 17, 2002

Legislative Update at the June C.O.N.A. Meeting

Our elected State Senators and Representatives are coming to give us their view on what was accomplished in their three trips to Tallahassee this year. They will discuss the redistricting and how it will affect St. Petersburg: who will represent which area, and what is planned for the next session.

Scheduled to attend are: Senator Jim Sebesta, Dist. 20 and Representatives, Ms. Kim Berfield, Dist. 50; Ms. Leslie Waters, Dist. 51; Frank Farkas, Dist. 52; Charles Justice, Dist. 53, and Frank Peterman, Dist. 55.

Don't miss this opportunity to meet our Representatives.

June C.O.N.A. Meeting
Wednesday, June 19th
All Childrens Hospital
Conference Cneter
701 4th Street South

Social at 6:00 p.m. Meeting Starts at 7:00 p.m.

Helen Levine, Advisor on School & Public Affairs for the City, is coming to discuss the Schools in St. Petersburg, the Bright Future Scholarships, and mentoring students in our neighborhoods.

We just finished the school year, but now is the time to plan for the fall. School starts early next year: August 7.

Agenda for General Meeting on 6/19/02

Treasurer's Report
Committee Reports
Traffic Calming - Cathy Wilson
Historic Preservation Grant - Steve Plice
Old Business
New Business
100/300 St. Petersburg Anniversary - Theresa McEachern
Guest Speakers:
Helen Levine, Advisor, Schools & Public Affairs, City of St. Petersburg
Jim Sebesta, Florida State Senator
Kim Berfield, Leslie Waters,
Frank Farkas, Charles Justice, and
Frank Peterman, State Representatives

Presidents Report

Dear Neighbors,

Well, the Rays won vs. the Padres on Saturday, June 8! It was not an embarrassment to the Padres, but it was a win! The Rays did seem to have some heart and hustle at points in the game, and the turn-out in the outfield seats looked like we matched the crowd in the infield seats. Thanks to everyone who attended.

I want to give a special round of praise to Susan Ajoc, Regina Wade, Sharon Cimarik, Terese Hilliard, Rebecca Stewart and Andy Garr for handling the phones and getting the vouchers distributed not only to the St. Petersburg Neighborhoods, but also to the surrounding Counties and their neighborhood organizations. Bernice Darling also helped but did not attend the game because it was her 39th birthday for the 16th time! Thank you all for all your efforts.

Erin Sullivan and Joe Andrade with the Devil Rays were champs in going to bat for this program. Believe me, we would not have had this event if it had not been for these two spear-heading our cause. I cannot thank them enough. I haven't gotten the final count on how many came but thank you for braving the weather and supporting the Devil Rays. I hope that all the neighborhoods had the success that a few that I heard from had in getting more new members.

We have a great meeting planned for this month with our elected State Legislative Representatives coming to tell us what happened in Tallahassee this year and what is planned for the next session.

The first reading of the Bed and Breakfast Ordinance is this month before City Council on June 20th at 6 p.m. All interested parties are welcome to attend.

Last month in the newsletter there was an article on traffic calming. Hopefully, we will have a proposal for everyone's review by next month so that the neighborhoods that made a request, or are about to make some suggestions, will know the new and improved formula for getting traffic calming devices in their community.

CONA is here to help and support the neighborhoods concerns and issues. Bring your issues to us and let us address them. Lets help make St. Petersburg not just a great place to live and work now, but an even better community in the future.

Keep up the good work and see you on the 19th.



Attend the 6th Annual Florida Neighborhoods Conference 2002: Tampa Convention Center, September 6-7

Go to Participate, Learn, & Have Fun!
The City of Tampa and the Tampa Neighborhoods are excited and proud to host this conference in September 2002. It will be held at the Tampa Convention Center.

We are fortunate to have the annual conference held so close by. The City of St. Petersburg would like to show support with maximum participation so please plan to attend.

As a participant, you can choose from over twenty-five informative and helpful workshops, network and share experiences with other Florida neighbors, explore the city across the bay and its neighborhoods, and meet Tampas elected officials. There is time for relaxation on Thursday and Friday evenings at conference-sponsored events. And on Saturday you can choose from one of ten mobile city tours followed by a wrap-up luncheon and keynote address.

Conference Registration
Register by August 1 to receive preregistration conference rates. The preregistration rate for the entire 2-day conference is $40; the on-site rate $90 (includes workshops for both days plus the Saturday morning mobile tour w/ a continental breakfast). Preregistration rates are $20 per day, $45 on-site; or $35 for both days before 8/1 and $75 on-site; mobile tour only $5 before 81/; $15 on-site. Registration fees are not refundable.

Hotel Registration
The Tampa Marriott Waterside is the official conference hotel site. Reserve your room directly with the Marriott which is adjacent to the Convention Center. Rooms are limited so make your reservation early.

The conference room rate is $99 for both single or double occupancy. Rates are guaranteed through July 15. Call Marriott at 1-800-228-9290 or (813) 221-4900.

We hope to have the Conference Registration booklets available at the June 19 meeting.


Causeway Isles: Go West Young Man!
by Paula Engel

Causeway Isles, along with its sister community Yacht Club Estates, is a waterfront community located as far west in the City of St. Petersburg as you can travel on Central Avenue. It is a mid-1950s dredge and fill area, and most of its homes were constructed in the 50s and 60s. Originally homes sold for between $20,000 and $30,000; in 2001 the average list price for a home was 10 times that --- over $255,000.

Causeway Isles western boundary is the Treasure Island Toll Gate and the Intracoastal Waterway; its eastern boundary is another channel of water and the small Treasure Island Causeway bridge known as the East Bridge; its northern boundary is Boca Ciega Bay, and its southern boundary is also a water channel plus a small bridge to Yacht Club Estates.

This waterfront community of 411 single family homes has one major entry street to its secondary streets -- all of which are cul-de-sacs. The major entry street is 79th Ave. South which continues on to enter Yacht Club Estates.

The current Causeway Isles Neighborhood Association was founded in June of 1999 and incorporated on June 24, 1999. Currently, there are 121 members of the association. The major challenges of this neighborhood have been traffic calming on 79th St. and two beautification projects.

In 2000 new street/stop signs were erected on each street, and in 2001, the association received a $4,000 grant from the City of St. Petersburg to erect new entry-way signs. This project is now in the works. The traffic calming plan was approved by the City and is on the current list of projects to begin in 2003.

In addition, the three near-by Treasure Island Causeway bridges (East and West fixed bridges and the Bascule movable bridge) are scheduled for replacement. T.I. is currently conducting a study for the replacement of these bridges. The recommended alternative will be selected by the T.I. City Commission this June 25 and forwarded to the appropriate federal agencies for concurrence. Over $30 million in Federal funds are anticipated for this project, and work is expected to begin first on the East Bridge in February 2003.

Copies of the History of Causeway Isles are available @ $5 per copy. Contact Paula Engel at 347-6889.

New CONA Newsletter Editor

I am pleased to announce that Paula Engel, Causeway Isles Newsletter Editor, has agreed to become the Editor of the CONA monthly newsletter.
I would like to encourage you to help Paula by providing her with articles of interest and relevance to our City and our neighborhoods. She
has some ideas to improve communication and enhance the newsletter, but she will need your help. There will also be a transition period for some of her ides and features to transpire so please bear with us.

Please cooperate with Paula in any way you can to communicate news for our Council. Remember, this newsletter can only be as informative as we make it. You can reach Paula by phone (347-6889), FAX (345-2804) and E-Mail (pkengel1@aol.com) so please provide her with any information or articles you can. Thank You.

Brent Fisher
President, CONA

CONA 2002 Meetings

CONA Meetings are held on the
3rd Wednesday of the month at
the All Childrens Conference Center,
701 4th Street South. Here is the schedule
for the remainder of 2002.
Mark your calendars!

June 19
July 17
August 21
September 18
October 16
November 20
December 18

Social Hour: 6 p.m.
Meetings Start: 7 p.m.

CONA Leadership Program 2003

Dont forget we are in the planning stages for the 2003 CONA Leadership Program. We need volunteers to participate as program group leaders and advisors. We also need participants. Please remember to encourage new and old neighbors to become involved in our community through this excellent educational program for future civic leaders.

Americas Sail 2002, June 26 - June 30:
Opportunities to Participate

The tall ships are coming to St. Petersburg and organizers want associations and clubs to be part to the excitement. The Americas Sail begins with an International Race from Curacao to Jamaica and ends with awards and festivities here in St. Petersburg.

Be Part of the Parade of Sale Welcome Fleet
Join thousands of boats of all sizes, under sail and motor, in welcoming the Tall Ships to Florida. Call Mary Kirby at 822-3873, ext. 202 or e-mail spychbr@tampabay.rr.com, to register your boat in the flotilla.

We will host over 300 crew members from many different nations. We want to welcome them with the best hospitality possible and make their stay here fun and memorable. Would your association like to provide Host Volunteers or host a crew social event? For details of this program, also call 825-3797 or e-mail info@ stpetetallships.com.

Exclusive Flagship Events
Americas Sail 2002 provides special events to encourage interaction between the visiting ships, their captains and crew, and the International sailing community. We invite you and your association members to join in these activities:

Captains Welcome Reception
Wednesday, June 26, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
St. Petersburg Yacht Club, $50 per person.
(Limited to 1,000 people by advance registration only.)

Parade of Sail - Welcome Fleet
Thursday, June 27, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
The majestic tall ships will sail along St. Petersburgs downtown waterfront in a spectacular Parade of Sail. This parade marks the official opening of The Maritime Festival at the Port of St. Petersburg and USF St. Petersburgs waterfront campus on Bayboro Harbor. Boaters can watch the procession, but MUST REGISTER to part of the flotilla. See details above to register. The Parade is free, however, a limited numbers of reserved Patron/VIP tickets for viewing the parade from The Pier are available for purchase.

Captains Ball Black Tie Gala &
Americas Sail 2002 Trophy Presentation
Saturday, June 29th, 7 p.m. - til?
Tradewinds Sirata Beach Resort, St. Pete Beach
$150 per person (Limited to 350 by advance registration only)
Please call 388-1045 or e-mail www.stpetetallships.com.

Maritime Festival Admission
Hours: Friday - Sunday, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Admission Prices include two categories. The St. Petersburg Times is offering their readers a coupon for $2.00 off ticket prices. Tickets are available at all Ticketmaster Outlets, including K-Mart and Specs Music.

Festival Pass (Maritime Site only)
Adult: $8, Advance; $10 On-site.
Seniors & Students: $6, Advance; $8 On-site.
Children Under 12 (w/ an Adult): Free. Compliments of the St. Petersburg Times.

Patron Passport* (Maritime Site and Tall Ship Tours)
Adults: $18, Advance; $20, On-site.
Seniors & Students: $16, Advance; $18, On-Site.
Children Under 12 (w/ an Adult): $5.
Family Patron Passport: $45 (good for 2 adults, 3 children)

*Limited Quantities Available.
There is no charge to tour the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Eagle.

2002 CONA Paid Memberships
As of 6/7/02, there are 48 paid members in 2002. If you have not paid your 2002 CONA dues, please do so promptly. Submit your dues with the form included in this newsletter.

Albert Whitted Airport
Asian Family (F.A.C.E.)
Bahama Shores
Barclay Estates
Bartlett Park
Bayou Highlands
Bayway Isles
Causeway Isles
Central Oak Park
Childs Park
Crescent Heights
Disston Heights
Eagle Crest
Eden Isle
Euclid Heights
Fossil Park
Garden Manor
Grand Central
Greater Pinellas Point
Greater Woodlawn
Historic Kenwood
Historic Roser Park
Holiday Park
Isla del Sol
Jungle Prada
Jungle Terrace
Lake Maggorie Shores
Lakewood Estates
Maximo Moorings
North Downtown
North Kenwood
Historic Old Northeast
Old Pasadena
Old Southeast
Placido Bayou
Ponce de Leon
Shore Acres
Snell Isle
Tropical Shores
Winston Park
Woodlawn Oaks
Yacht Club Estates

Quote of the Month...
Do something for somebody every day for which you do not get paid.
---Albert Schweitzer

Dear CONA Representatives:

I need your help! I have agreed to the position of Editor for the CONA Newsletter, and with help from all of the active neighborhood associations, CONA Board members, representatives in the City of St. Petersburg, and other special groups and committees, we will publish a timely and informative newsletter prior to each CONA monthly meeting.

Each month I would like to feature the following:

A Monthly Update from the Neighborhood Partnership Office
A Brief Comment from the Mayors Office, Police Department, and/or our Chamber of Commerce
A Feature Article about One Neighborhood and Their Challenges and Progress
Current City Events
Facts and Figures about St. Petersburg
News YOU Send Me!

I also need volunteers to write and submit articles, and assistance with mailing and distribution. Please help me!

Also, PLEASE PUT ME ON YOU NEWSLETTER MAILING LIST. I will publish relevant news in the CONA Newsletter. Mail your newsletters to Paula Engel, 7957 2nd Ave. South, St. Petersburg, FL 33707-1023.

Thank you.

Paula Engel, Editor

CONA Newsletter Deadlines
Copy Deadline for Articles: the 28th of each month.
Publication Date: the 2nd Wednesday of the month.
Mail Date: the 2nd Friday of the month.

Letters to the Editor
If you have comments, ideas, or suggestions about this newsletter or the monthly CONA meetings, please E-Mail them to pkengel1@aol.com. We will publish them in this newsletter. Also, if you would like to advertise in the CONA newsletter, please contact Monarch Printing at 398-5866.

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