Cabrillo Park Neighborhood Association
Meeting Minutes
February 10, 2005
Present: Gretchen Jones, Dorthy Henry, Don Feliz, Elsie Feliz, Tim Smith, Vicki Smith, Maxine Phillips, E.C. Bell, Janette Westbrook, Jessica Barraza, Doug Houston (Neighborhood Resource Coordinator II), Ron Brasel (Assoc. Vice-President)
Next meeting: March 10, 6:30PM, Location to be anounced
I. Announcements
7 members have paid their $10 annual dues and are officially members of the Cabrillo Park Neighborhood Association with all the privileges and rights membership shall provide. Many thanks for them to show their commitment to make our neighborhood a better place to live through our association.
Thank you to Paul VanderKlay, Pastor of the Living Stones Church, for opening their doors to our association on such short notice. All are also encouraged to stop by Sunday to visit these wonderful neighbors.
II. Discussion
Holly Magana from the Sacramento Police Department talked about Neighborhood watch, police district 50 of which we are a part, and had lots of information on what to watch out for and how to keep our neighborhood safe. She can be reached at
277-6129 and available for residence who want to get together with neighbors and start their own neighborhood watch group.
Cristina Liberati and Katie Askew from Americorps talked briefly about a free income tax assistance program available at Pannell Community Center, W-F noon-8pm and Sat 9-5. Please call 808-1574 for more information.
III. Roundtable
Jessica Barraza expressed an interest in becoming a member of the board of directors and serving as an officer. We need more members who are interested in insuring that our association stays viable and to become board members. A sample neighborhood association bylaws has been sent out to those who have given an email address. Check out the section on board members responsibilities.