Interested party from Glasgow , Scotland in the United Kingdom , currently engaged in a research project involving Cabrini Green. Perhaps A Miss Megan Cottrell or longtime resident Miss Jones , 50 years, age 72 , or any other longtime short time resident with a good memory or keen historical interest in Cabrini Green assist me with the following including tenant leases from the time involved and Births , Deaths , Marriages in Cabrini Green nad personal reminiscence : -
Requested information runs as follows and in regard of one Radinsk , Radinsky , Radzinsky, Radinski or something along those lines and resident in Cabrini Green , main high rise block 1960 - 1967 , and along with a young black girl , name unknown and single parent . Radinsk woulkd child mind or babysit her little one on occasion . They were the prototype (based on fact ) characters for the Motion Picture 'Candyman' , although her character appears in the final cut his does not , although other real life figures do. He , Radinsk nad his two best friends used to hang around the Cabrini Green neighbourhood (their names also unknown).
Radinsk? and his friends started the original and predeccesor of the current Garden Project located in the same place with a community grant of $100, they used to drive a beat up dodge , Camaro or Mustang , which they souped up themselves and used to race on the interstate as wel as the 100 yard stretch in front of the block where the old library was located . on one occasion they built a ramp at the end of the stretch , floored and landed about 30 yards further on . They also used to patrol the area assisted by a small grant which paid theoir salaries of $100 per month, the then caretaker assisted them in this.Radinsk used to have a moustasche and he wore a black rolled up balaclava. I am sure he was once told of by Miss Jones nad he loked her niece , daughter who along with other kids used to play on the spare lot. He was once on television , appearing in a segment regarding poverty inequality and race. please reply to me at my Email ; -
More info next time , many thanks Alex aka Ppaulio