The Officers of the California Neighborhood Coaliton are dedicated and committed area residents whose primary objective is to ensure a better quality of life for its residents. The officers are listed in the proceeding section. They are President Chief Executive Officer, Michael Brooks, Administrative Assistant, Adrianne Johnson, Vice President, Anna Haskins Smith, Treasurer, Debra Suzanne Eades, and Parliamentarian, Jane Grady.
Mr. Michael L. Brooks
P.O. Box 1205
Louisville KY 40210
Home: 502-597-6191
Office: 502-594-5054
Mrs. Adrianne Johnson
1220 South 15th Street
Louisville, Kentucky 40210
Office: (502) 502-5890727, Ext. #28
Mrs. Anna Haskins Smith
1518 Prentice Street
Louisville KY 40210
Home: 502-561-0854
Ms. Debra Suzanne Eades
1758 Dumesnil Street
Louisville KY 40210
Home: 502-634-3957
Mrs. Jane Grady
1554 West Breckinridge Street
Louisville KY 40210
Home: 502-581-1815