Camelot and Deerfield Watch

Pets, Noise, Trash, etc.

Posted in: Hickory Hills

send the owner a rock by mail fro another city. wrap a note with a rubber band...say "this rock will serve you notice that the next rock will have poison and a cookie for your barking dog next time"


Let the owner live in fear...


I had a neighbor once who told me that "sometimes you have to be crazier than them to stop them"


Let them drive themselves crazy trying to figure out who is going to kill or injure their dogs. Play dumb...make no indication of your intentions or actions...


BTW, I don't care to hear from all the bleeding hearts on how cruel or mean...blah, blah, that for yourselves that bring upon their just "reward"

Omg you crack me up!!!  I am animal lover but I don't love vicious animals lol

 well, there is no need for name calling.  I have 2 neighbors that allow thier dogs to bark for up to 12 hours a day.  And, they are all three big dogs.  Sometimes, these "gentlemen" will let them out at 2 AM to bark for good measure.  Unfortunetly, my other neighbors have no interest in getting involved for the dog barking issue.  But, they were willing to sign the petition for personal reasons.  As long as they remained anonomous.  What??? so I declined to have them sign the petition.  So, now after seven years of not getting rest at night not being able to invite company over for the holidays, because the noise is unbearable.  I am on my own.  Animal control has been involved.  But, I am out of luck even though I can't entertain in my yard, or my house. My mother refuses to come over because she is stressed out the whole time these dogs are locked in a cage right outside my living room.  I am 50 years old and I have never lived near such disrepectful nighbors. EVER! I get it you love your dog like family, but I did not chose to live like this, put your dog inside at night, put your dog inside during the day after 6 hours of nonstop barking. Give us a break! Thanks for listening folks.  Any suggestions?  Small claims seems a bit extreme, animal control says that is my only option,  I feel taking statements from people for anything other than the dog problem is wrong.  Am I being too nice?

Totally 100% agree. Dogs are meant to keep ppl away from your home and protect to you. They bark to let you know someone or something is close to your home. How dare these ppl call and complain when your dog is doing its job. If it didn't bark they would be useless as a protection for your family. Shame on these ppl.

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