Car Theft

Posted in: Sienna Park
  • Stock
  • beka
  • Valued Neighbor
  • USA
  • 1 Post
  • Respect-O-Meter: Valued Neighbor

Well I'v only been living here in Sienna Park for little over a year and my vehicle has already been broken into and they tried to take it.I got to talking with my neighbors and mostly each of them has had the same thing done to them going back a year or less.We need to find this culprit who is doing this,I thought that moving to this nice neighborhood would feel more safe for my kids but I thought wrong.Where I lived before looked worse but felt more safe than this.Who ever is doing this lives in this neighborhood and will be caught.The time of the break ins occur between 4am and 6am.There was just a brake in this past Wednesday @ a home I cant disclose but there vehicle was parked at the curb and they stole the radio and other things.Well I hope we catch them soon because when they get tired of stealing petty stuff from our vehicles they will more like start breaking in to our homes.

Very Concerned Resident on Sungate Park...

We as neighbors have to talk in the next meeting about having Bexar county sheriffs patrol more. Also some parents need to have control of their kids. there has been times that my neighbor and my wife and i have seen kids act suspicious and run when they see us. can say exactly where i live near the fire work stand north of it,east of raven field. Two houses down there was a car also broken into as well as my vehicle shoot with a BB gun. these kids might be testing out the cars to see if they have any alarms. i believe the only reason my vehicle was not taken was because i installed a camera over looking my vehicles. Sometimes i fell like take overnight watch to see who is walking the street late at night but i know i have to work. really fustrating and upsetting.

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