Cardinal Ridge

Homeowner's Association Meetings

Posted in: Braden Park
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  • csommer
  • Valued Neighbor
  • USA
  • 1 Post
  • Respect-O-Meter: Valued Neighbor
Can someone tell me if and when we will be having another homeowner's association meeting? I don't believe we have had one since we elected the new leadership on that oh so memorable and volatile day. The neighborhood newsletters are nice but I'd like to be able to attend a meeting and have open discussion on how things are going. Make sure decisions aren't made without homeowner's input like the pool situation was last year.
  • Stock
  • tysont
  • Active Neighbor
  • USA
  • 1 Post
  • Respect-O-Meter: Active Neighbor
Re: Homeowner's Assoc. Meetings

As Carrie requested, I would also like to know when the next meeting is. I was unable to attend the last meeting but would like to become more active in our community. Although I was not able to attend the last meeting, I would be interested in knowing what was discussed. If someone could fill me in with the topics of the evening and what was decided that would be great. (also,why was the evening memorable and volatile?)
HOA Meetings

The last meeting I remember us having was when we needed to vote new HOA leaders. It was held at the church on Rockwell and scheduled to start at 6:00. When I walked up I was told the meeting was canceled. Before I could walk away I was told they were having it. Whatever had gone on inside before 6:00 was apparently very heated discussion. Anyway, new leaders were selected and that was the end of things. I, honestly, don't think we've had one since then and that would have been last May I think. I feel that almost eight months without meeting is a little too long.

By Carrie
Response to Carrie Sommer


With regard to the inquiry about an HOA meeting, I might remind you that this year we?’ve had as many as the year before. Was this not a problem for you then? I too, keep current on web postings and do not recall seeing yours or any one else?’s objections to the frequency or lack thereof of the previous year?’s meeting schedule.

In response to your comment of the ?‘oh so memorable and volatile day?’, there was an exchange between members of the previous administration and further complicated by one that did not sit on the board. The ?‘heat?’, as you put it was one sided. One of the involved parties remained composed and exhibited a dignified demeanor. The other resigned her position literally minutes before the yearly HOA meeting was set to begin. This caused an interruption in plans and a momentary state of confusion. Whatever the problem at that time, it did not affect me and has no bearing on the purpose of your post, unless your intent is to stir things up.

On the issue of the pool decisions, the arrangements for pool hours, lifeguards and all pool-related matters were made by your previous administration. The current board did nothing more than to honor the commitment in place, and I might add, made significant concessions by extending pool hours which resulted in unbudgeted expenses. It would benefit everyone to know that between the hours of 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM and the hours of 7:00 to 8:00 PM, attendance at the pool was practically zero. This is supported by the sign-in sheets. Having said that, the board members were well within the rights provided them under the Covenants and By-laws that allow them to make these decisions.

I can say with 100% certainty that while we were out delivering newsletters, placing flags in each yard in the early hours of July 4th, weeding flower beds, chopping down dead trees, picking up trash, mowing unattended yards, making arrangements for the many gate repairs this year, coordinating garage sales and putting up/taking down Christmas lights, you have not offered your assistance or so much as acknowledged the effort.

The next election is scheduled for May. You are invited to place your name on the ballot.

By Connie Rocha
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