- barryf
- Valued Neighbor
- 2 Posts
Qwest tech is setting up DSL
I signed up for IDSN and the QWEST technician said that they are currently switching out the routers in the ''hotels'' at the end of Pike. We are currently too far from the CO for DSL. He said that once this switch is made, we should be able to get DSL. You might want to contact QWEST. Or better yet stop another QWest Tech and ask the same questions.

- tevenson
- Respected Neighbor
- 21 Posts
Keep us updated
Hi Barry,
If you get a successful DSL install, please let us all know - this will give us a great amount of leverage with QWest when we give them a call. Also, if there is a particular QWest tech that knows all the details, I'd very much appreciate their name and and contact info.
I hope DSL is finally becoming available. I have tried several times - twice thru QWest, and once thru Megapath, and every time QWest has said that there are no facilities for DSL in Prospect and no plans to upgrade their facilities. Kiki is the only person I know who has been able to get DSL, and this only because his house was around when the phone company was installing genuine copper-wire phone lines, instead of the more modern and entirely DSL-unfriendly DLC-style phone lines.
DSL Alternative
Just a note about an alternative that might be available in our neighborhood.
I did a ''brief'' search on SPRINT Broadband Direct. According to the website at www.sprintbroadband.com our zip code shows it to be available for us. I have not talked to a live body about it but hope to in the next week or so.
The price seems reasonable as well.
Check out the site.

- tevenson
- Respected Neighbor
- 21 Posts
Not Sure
If you go to the next page of the Sprint Broadband availabaility script and put in an actual address, they indicate that we can't service here.
Who knows, though, you mileage may vary. Please let us know if you get the service.