With their election at the Annual Meeting, we?’d like to welcome our newest board members: Paul Rasp, Melvin Richardson and Dee Dee Picicci.
Russell Church, President
Day: (251) 607-1488
Evening: (251) 633-0782
Email: carrington_place@yahoo.com
Todd Wysong, Vice President
Evening: (251) 633-9106
Rod Davis, Treasurer
Evening: (251) 639-1845
Dee Dee Picicci, Secretary
Evening: (251) 634-3893
Larry Norman, Committee Chair
Architectural Control Committee
Evening: (251) 639-9703
Melvin Richardson, Committee Chair
Social and Yard of the Month Committees
Evening: (251) 639-5245
Paul Rasp, Committee Chair
Grounds and Maintenance Committee
Evening: (251) 633-0584