The Board of Directors of the Casa Mirage Homeowners Association strive to effectively manage Casa Mirage Homeowners Association while maintaining the integrity, property values and character of our community. Please contact us with your problems and solutions.
Board Members assigned the lead on specific community issues include:
Gary Bilow - Pool and Spa
Mike Sellers - Landscaping
Gary Bilow - Architectural Applications
Casa Mirage Homeowners Association
President - Vacant
Treasurer Tom Wohlleber
Cell: 480-737-8574
Secretary Gary Bilow
Cell: 602.920.0312
Vice-president - Bonnie Murtha
Vice-president Mike Sellers
Cell: 612.655.30972
Accountant Baker Tilly US, LLP
1115 E Cottonwood Ln, Suite 100
Cindi Johnson, email Phone: 520.836.8201