Ron Valiga called the meeting to order in the clubhouse at approximately 7:00 p.m. Other directors preset were Mike Frederick, Jim Butler, Sondra Willis, Rich Barrow, Yannick LeRolland, and Jeffrey Maidenberg. A quorum being present, the meeting was declared ready to proceed.
The minutes of the May 19, 1999, meeting were approved as corrected upon a motion by Jim Butler, Rich Barrow seconding. The Architectural Control Committee report was corrected to reflect that Steve Schutte, an attorney who is a member of the Committee, was preparing the dish antenna policy, not the Association's attorney. The report was further corrected to state that there were 31 action items resulting from the community inspection, not 60.
No one present wished to take advantage of this portion of the meeting.
Community Activities-Sondra Willis, reporting for Cathy Shepard, stated that the Committee is working on the 4th of July party and asks that people who plan to attend call Cathy so that the Committee will know how much food to order. More functions are being planned and will be announced in the newsletter. A recent dessert social was not well attended because the announcement for it did not get in the newsletter.
Master Association-Ron Valiga reported that the Master Association Board of Directors meets tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m. The Vickers project hearing before the County Commissioners is presently scheduled for June 23 and notices will be posted. Ron stated that he will recommend that the Master Association mail all owners in the community a letter bringing them up-to-date and encouraging them to attend the hearing. Ron stated that although Vickers had revised his plans problems such as access and water/sewer service have not been resolved. Upon a motion by Rich Barrow, Sondra Willis seconding, the Board resolved to withhold support of the project as currently planned and to bring this to the attention of the County Commissioners at the scheduled hearing. The motion passed unanimously. Ron reported that the Master Association is putting pressure on the County to get the rest of our area platted to aid the Metropolitan District in getting the bonds refinanced as soon as possible.
Architectural Control-Dick Lichtenheld reported that Steve Schutte has resigned from the Committee and was replaced by Mike Centola. He reported that the satellite dish policy is still pending and that he expects to be able to present it and a revised policy regarding play equipment at the July meeting. Seven submissions were handled during the month, all approvals. Dick reviewed the status of citations issued by the Committee, stating that, while not all have been resolved, cooperation generally has been good. Dick took note of specific items mentioned by Board members and will review the status of these by consulting Committee records. The Board was particularly concerned about a property which has not been landscaped after more than a year. Dick will see that the owner submits a landscaping plan with a specific completion date for the not too distant future.
Maintenance-George Von Duerring reported that rain has resulted in very little irrigation being necessary so far. All lighting has been repaired and timers have been set properly. The bill for lighting repairs in the Noble Ridge open area will be given to Writer Corporation because they were necessitated by damage done by one of their contractors. Native areas have been mowed. Rich Barrow reviewed the concrete and asphalt projects planned for our area by the County this summer. Yannick LeRolland indicated that he has not yet received an answer from Writer Corporation regarding the replacement of trees on Yorkshire. Rich Barrow will provide the Secretary with details for a letter to a member regarding trees planted on common property. Ron Valiga volunteered to look into correcting some landscaping problems near the activity pad and to contact Writer Corporation about cleaning up their lots.
Tennis/Activity Pad-Yannick LeRolland reported that tennis court gate locks have been changed and new keys are being distributed at a $5.00 charge. Members receiving keys are being required to sign the agreement discussed at previous meetings. The signs discussed previously have been installed at the courts. More work needs to be done on the gate locks to prevent their being opened without a key. Yannick will arrange this. Net straps were replaced and a roller for drying the courts obtained. Lesson schedules have been posted at the courts and will be printed in the newsletter. Rich Barrow reported that crack filling has been delayed because of recent rains but that he expects Coatings, Inc. to do the work soon. Yannick reported that our basketball goals have been delivered to a shop for repairs and should be finished by Friday. The new hoops will be spring-loaded to prevent damage.
Newsletter-Rich Barrow asked that the dog etiquette article be reprinted. Dick Lichtenheld stated that he has the article and will submit it for the next issue.
Welcoming-There was no report.
Projects-Jim Butler indicated there was nothing to report.
Pool-Sondra Willis suggested that a volleyball set for the pool be obtained, stating that the cost would be about $400 according to Apollo Aquatics. This was debated at length. When installed it would block off a significant portion of the pool but would provide a fun activity for pool users. Jeffrey Maidenberg expressed concern about liability and insurance. Ron Valiga volunteered to call our insurance agent about this. Jim Butler and Yannick LeRolland will look into what is available and the cost. Once this information is gathered, Ron Valiga will poll the Board for a decision.
Clubhouse-Sondra Willis reported $120 in clubhouse use fees. The carpet was recently shampooed.
Finance-Merton Young reviewed the financial reports for May 31, 1999, and month and five months then ended. Checks in payment of Association expenses were reviewed, together with supporting invoices, and signed. It was noted that re-keying the tennis court locks has cost in excess of $500. The Board asked Merton to calculate the additional dues owed by Writer Corporation as a result of the February 1 dues increase.
Reserves Study-Mike Frederick reviewed the revised reserve study reports recently prepared by USInspect. The reports had been updated for revisions made as a result of the Board's meeting with the representative of USInspect and one of the revised reports included provisions for pool infrastructure. Upon a motion by Mike Frederick, Rich Barrow seconding, the Board decided to adopt the cash flow method of reserving and to include the pool infrastructure in reserve provisions. The motion passed with Jeffrey Maidenberg abstaining. The study calls for annual contributions of $44,078 for the cash flow method including the pool addition. The current budget is for $40,000 being contributed in 1999. As in the past, the Board plans to contribute any operating surplus to reserves at the end of the year. Therefore, the Board decided to wait until the end of the year to contribute the additional $4,078 called for by the study.
Gate Repairs-Ron Valiga reported that fence gate repairs were performed at a cost of $216. This disbursement was approved.
Fence Addition-Ron Valiga presented a plan to put rail fencing in an access to open common property on Shoreham Circle near Kent Place in order to limit access by cars and trucks while still allowing access by mowers and people.
New Pathway-Yannick LeRolland presented comparative information on the cost of various materials in constructing the new pathway. Upon a motion by Rich Barrow, Yannick LeRolland seconding, the Board decided to allow Writer Corporation to proceed with landscaping and pathway construction in Tracts A and B as currently planned. The Board also decided that the pathway will be constructed of concrete with sleeves for electrical wiring every fifty feet
Web Site-Yannick LeRolland reported that the Association is on the web site as discussed last month. There was a discussion of the items to be on the site.
Communications System-This topic was tabled.
Nominating Committee-Upon a motion by Rich Barrow, Jim Butler seconding, Mike Frederick was appointed to chair the Committee and Harold Sullivan and Sue York were appointed as members of the Committee.
Legal Matters-Ron Valiga reported the results of the hearing on attorney fees. The judge dismissed the request for additional attorney fees by members Mullen, Schaap and Tkach. He admitted to an error on his part in allowing the request in the first place and indicated he did not want to see the parties to this matter in court again. It was felt that he would not approve if the Association sought to recover its attorney fees incurred subsequent to the restraining order (about $6,200) and our attorney has discouraged making the request. It was thought that to make such a request and have the hearing on it would cost an additional $1,500 to $2,000 in attorney fees which would not be recoverable. Upon a motion by Rich Barrow, Jim Butler seconding, the Board decided not to make the request.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Merton Young