Ron Valiga called the meeting to order in the clubhouse at approximately 7 p.m. Other directors present were Mike Frederick, Rich Barrow, Jim Butler, and Yannick LeRolland. Absent were Jeffrey Maidenberg and Sondra Willis. A quorum being present, the meeting was declared ready to proceed. Introductions were made.
The minutes of the June 16, 1999, meeting were approved as written upon a motion by Mike Frederick, Rich Barrow seconding.
Ron announced that a $16,000 figure mentioned in the newsletter regarding an insurance claim was incorrect. The correct figure is $6,800.
A member complained that a pump installed by the Metropolitan District is too loud and suggested sound abating measures be taken. It was suggested that he contact the District about this. Rich Barrow opined that heat buildup makes it unlikely that much can be done to make it quieter. The member also asked about a street light being out. He was advised to contact IREA.
There were several complaints about construction traffic using Yorkshire and Shoreham when they are supposed to use Monarch exclusively. Ron Valiga reviewed the steps he has taken to prevent this, including some unpleasant confrontations with individual truck drivers. It seems that in spite of promises from builders and their contractors, the workmen do not respond. The signs are having little or no effect.
A member suggested that the pool be kept open until the end of September because of school schedules. It was noted that life- guards are typically college students who start back to school soon after Labor Day, so we will have difficulty keeping the pool guarded after that. However, the suggestion will be taken under consideration.
A member reported that a pool life guard was asleep while on duty. Another did not check the pool the entire time he was working on setting up the new volleyball equipment. It was noted that our members rely on the pool personnel being attentive. The Board took note and the contractor will be contacted about these concerns.
A member asked about the results of the election investigation committee. No report has been received yet. The results will be made public prior to the next election in September.
Community Activities-Cathy Shepard received a round of applause for the 4th of July party. About 300 people attended and fun was had by all. A pool party for children will be held this weekend (July 24). Cathy reviewed the plans for this party which include a ?“Moon Jump?”. Jim Butler suggested that we check on liability insurance coverage for this event. A Country-Western party is planned for the end of August.
Master Association-Ron Valiga reported that Vickers received approval from the County Commissioners in spite of the negative recommendation by the Planning Board. However, the approval was with many stipulations which have not been met, including water and access issues. The Metropolitan District?’s bonds are not refinanced yet because not enough plats have been approved by the County. It was suggested that the newsletter contain an article regarding signs being attached to light poles and never taken down. Ron mentioned that the Master Association is looking into a community bulletin board to take the pressure off light poles. He also reported that several referral letters have been received regarding commercial development, including a Texaco Station and an Albertsons.
Architectural Control-Dick Lichtenheld reported that the dog article was in the newsletter, that major progress has been made on landscaping the home which was the topic of discussion last month, and that progress has been made regarding position statements. He passed out statements for satellite dishes and TV reception and outdoor recreational facilities. He asked that the Board review them and let him have their thoughts within the next two weeks. The Committee received an inquiry about vinyl and metal siding and flag poles. The Committee replied that these were not allowed. Eighteen approval requests were received during the month. Fifteen were approved and more information was required on the other three. In response to a question about responses to painting citations, Dick stated that he has no statics at this point but will be glad to work them up and supply them. Dick noted that the Committee next meets on Aug. 11. Dick and the Committee were complimented on their excellent work.
Maintenance- George Von Duerring reported. Writer Corporation will be contacted about mowing the open area south of and across the street from the clubhouse. Darwin Horan of Writer Corporation has asked for and will be supplied with a list of items remaining to be done in common areas prior to turning them over to the Association. He noted that the timer for the phase one pathway lighting is in need of replacement. The Board approved doing this. If parking lot lighting problems are not resolved by checking the breakers, Parker Electric will be contacted to make necessary repairs. Ron Valiga noted that weeds are getting out of control and, upon contacting our landscape maintenance contractor, he was informed that their weed control man is on vacation but that we are at the top of the list. Sod near the activity pad will be fixed when other sod work is done in next few days. Three dead trees at the entrance were replaced by Writer Corporation. We will make sure the the drip system in that area is working properly so the new trees get plenty of water.
Tennis/Activity Pad-Yannick LeRolland reported that lines have been painted on the activity pad, the basketball goals have been repaired, tennis court cracks have been filled and the tennis gate is fixed. Yannick will turn in funds collected for tennis keys at the next meeting.
Newsletter- Ron Valiga indicated that other than the figure error mentioned earlier there is nothing to report.
Welcoming- There was no report.
Projects- Jim Butler reported that the pool volleyball set was received but that an extension kit and a heavy duty net have been ordered. They should be received and ready for assembly by this weekend. Defects in our new pool furniture will be corrected at the manufacturer?’s expense.
Pool- Ron Valiga noted that a letter of thanks from Sungate was received for donating the old lounge chairs. Other than the items which came up earlier in the meeting, Ron knew of nothing else to report.
Clubhouse- Eight rentals and $240 in fees were reported.
Finance-The financial reports for June 30, 1999, and the month and six months then ended were reviewed and discussed. Checks in payment of Association expenses were reviewed, together with supporting invoices, and signed. Upon a motion by Mike Frederick, Rich Barrow seconding, $50,000 of Association funds will be invested in an insured certificate of deposit through Dain Rauscher.
Nominating-Mike Frederick reported. No one has responded so far to requests for persons interested in placing their name in nomination for the Board positions to be elected in September. The newsletter will continue to have an appeal for nominees and contacts will continue to be made. The Committee plans to have its work done by the August Board meeting. Mike was given the form of notice, proxy and ballot used in the past together with suggestions for their revision. He will work on the form to be used this year.
Election Review Committee-Art Suro (who was not present at the beginning of the meeting) reported. The report was mailed today to all persons who were interviewed. It is about fifteen pages long. All of the documents accumulated during the investigation will be turned over to the Association?’s Secretary. The Board discussed plans for getting copies of the report into the hands of all members. Mike Frederick will draft a cover letter for this and will arrange for their copying and mailing.
Pathway-Ron Valiga reported that Writer Corporation is having trouble getting concrete. However, installation of the pathway is scheduled for next week.
Website-Yannick LeRolland indicated that not much has been done since the last report. The site is up and available for access.
Communications System-The system presented a few months ago was put before the Master Association Board which was not interested feeling that it would not be cost effective at this time. The use of a fax facility on the internet will be investigated.
ACC Position Statements-These were discussed briefly but no action was taken. The Board will study them further and individually contact Dick Lichtenheld with their thoughts.
Request for Copy of D&O Insurance-The Secretary will provide the copy as requested.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was adjourned at approximately 9:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Merton Young