Attendance: Mike and Linda Jarrell, Srinivas Kandula, Larry and Angie Pacelli, Mike Wade and Larry Allen (late)
Treasury Items:
1)Insurance check received for Merry-Go round repairs, less the deductible. Note that a police report for vandalism was also filed for the damage to the Merry-Go round.
2)Retention pond maintenance contractor, Chambers is scheduled to meet Mike Wade on Dec. 8, 2006 at 9:30 AM to review the deficiencies list from the county inspection.
3) As of Dec. 7. 2006 there are 8 households who are late on there maintenance dues and 2 other who are late on trash removal. houses numbered 9, 10, 14, 16, 17, 22, 24, and 35 are late on dues and 6 and 19 on trash. Reddy will try to collect again the weekend of Dec. 9Th. Dues are $220 a year and trash is $117 (1 can) and $123 (2 cans) every 6 months.
4) The group decided to begin using invoices and late notices. Reddy to prepare form letter drafts.
Other Discussions
1) Snow removal- our contractor for 2005-2006 Lavern Eastburn 25 Heather Road 453-9389 has not been contacted for snow removal this year. Mike Jarrell took the action to call Mr. Eastburn to inquire if he would be removing snow this year.
2)Angie Pacelli asked a reminder note be sent out to everyone that cars must be removed from the street when it snows, so snow can easily be removed.
3) Reddy took the action to set up meeting room reservations at eh Police troop for January and April 2007. Request was made not to make them for Wednesday evenings.
4) Mike Wade advised he has been in contact with the owner of #18 regarding grass maintenance. We have commitment to maintain. Contact information is Jasbir Kaur 610-457-8302.
5) Reddy committed to complete work on the community web page and to send the link to everyone.
6) Merry-Go round dangers were discussed.Inner workings are exposed underneath the unit and will tilt quickly to one side if children climb on it. A note should be sent out to all homes to stay off the Merry-Go round until repairs are completed.
7) Recommitted to plant trees in the spring was discussed.
8) Discussion of incident between Kristin Williams and the Rottweiler from #22. occurred. No clear actions were taken.
9) Larry Allen reported efforts to reduce community speed limit.
10) Discussion about re-mulching the playground in spring 2007 occurred. Mike Wade took the action to get more information on rubber mulch and an estimate on natural playground mulch.
11) Reddy announced he will not be able to continue as maintence corporation president, due to time commitments with his new business.
Meeting adjourned.