Team bows-Cardinals, Cowboys, D-backs, Dodgers, Lakers, ASU & U of A
Halloween Bows, Crotchet bows, Hello-Kitty, Disney Princess, Headbands, Bow holders, Crotchet Hats, Beanies and much more. You can also custome order bows!
Where: 40692 N. Lynmills Dr. (Cross Streets-Meadow Land Dr. & Simonton)
When: Friday, October 21, 2011
Time: 5:30-8:30pm
30% of the sales will go towards Lanee's Legacy. This wonderful organization gives parents who have lost a baby a memory box to put their baby's keepsakes when they leave the hospital. The box also includes a disposible camera, necklace, scrapbook, photo album and many other things to capture those last moments with your precious little one. Please come and support a wonderful cause. Don't feel like buying a bow but would like to contribute and help out feel free to stop by.
I was one of those parents who received a memory box from Lanee's Legacy. Your contribution is greatly appreciated. No amount is to small to make a difference.
Thank you and hope to see you here
Erica Guzman-Coronado