Central Meadowbrook



Central Meadowbrook Neighborhood Association

Adopted: April 26, 1994

First Amendment: October 5, 2000

Second Amendment: November 7, 2006

Third Amendment: November 2, 2010


A. Name

The name of the organization shall be the Central Meadowbrook Neighborhood Association of Fort Worth, Texas: hereinafter called the Association.

B. Boundaries

The Association’s Boundaries shall be:

North: Brentwood Stair Boulevard

South: East Lancaster Avenue

East: Edge of Meadowbrook Golf Course from Brentwood Stair Boulevard to Yosemite Drive and up to, but not including Weiler Boulevard from Yosemite Drive to East Lancaster Avenue

West: Up to, but not including Edgewood Terrace 


A. To monitor and to participate in the development and implementation of a land use for the East Side.

B. To insure that the Association’s position is represented before various decision making bodies.

C. To support various neighborhood groups and private citizens on planning matters of specific concern to them.

D. To keep residents of the area informed about matters affecting them and other Neighborhood Areas on the East Side.

E. To provide a forum for the City and other public agencies to communicate with area residents.

F. To provide delegates to the League of Neighborhoods Association (LNA).


A. Membership in the Association shall be open to all persons residing or owning real property within the geographic confines of the Association. A business operating within the geographic confines of the Association is eligible for a business membership. Business memberships have no voting privileges and cannot hold office.

B. Dues paying residents are entitled to one vote per household. Dues paying non-resident property owners are entitled to only one vote regardless of the number of dwelling units owned. Business owners may be non-voting members. In certain cases, when it is not possible to schedule a meeting and an issue requires a vote, a telephone poll to be binding, at least half of all members of the Association must reply either yea or nay. The Secretary, with the assistance of the Block Captains, shall conduct such a poll. The names of members contacted in this fashion and their vote on the issue shall be published in the next newsletter of the Association following the poll.

C. Membership Dues – Amended November 7, 2006 to read:

Membership dues shall be $15.00 per calendar year per resident household and $15.00 per calendar year per non-resident property owner. Business membership shall be $15.00 per calendar year.

D. Guest Membership – Added by Amendment, November 2, 2010:

A Guest Member of the Association shall be any person, firm, or corporation who may not reside, own property, or operate a business within the Association’s geographical area, but nevertheless, maintains an interest in the Association and its purposes and pays Association dues. Guest members shall have the privilege of the floor, but have no voting privileges and cannot hold office.


A. President

The President shall preside at all regular meetings of the Association (unless absent) and shall determine the agenda for the meeting. The President shall conduct the meeting according to Robert’s Rules of Order, subject to interpretation by the Parliamentarian. During meetings of the Association, the President may appoint temporary substitutes.

B. Vice President

The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President upon the absence of the President. The Vice President shall perform any other responsibilities prescribed by the President. Amendment, October 5, 2000: The Vice President shall be responsible for planning the program for Association meetings.

C. Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be responsible for the financial matters related to maintaining and promoting the interests of the Association. A financial report shall be made at each regular Association meeting. Amendment, October 5, 2000:

The Treasurer shall collect dues.


D. Secretary

The Secretary shall record and transcribe minutes of all meetings of the Association and shall prepare correspondence.

E. League of Neighborhoods Association Delegate

The League of Neighborhoods Association (LNA) Delegate shall represent our Association and vote the directives of our Association whenever applicable at LNA meetings.

F. League of Neighborhoods Association Alternate Delegate

The Alternate Delegate shall serve as an LNA Delegate in the absence of the regular LNA Delegate.

G. Parliamentarian

The Parliamentarian shall interpret Robert’s Rules of Order, during Association meetings.

H. Sergeant-at-Arms – Added by Amendment, October 5, 2000:

The Sergeant-at-Arms shall use a judicious approach to insure that order is enforced throughout an Association meeting in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.

I. Board of Directors – Amended, November 2, 2010 to read:

The Board of Directors shall consist of the eight Officers of the Association, namely: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Parliamentarian, Sergeant-At-Arms, LNA Delegate, and LNA Alternate Delegate.

J. Vacancies

The Board of Directors shall fill all vacancies in office for the unexpired term.

K. Term of Office – Added by Amendment, November 7, 2006 –

The maximum consecutive times a person can hold any one office shall be three (3) years with a one (1) year break before running for the same office again.



A. Frequency:

Amended November 7, 2006 to read –

The Association shall meet ten (10) months out of the calendar year and take summer break in July and August. National Night Out shall take the place of the Association meeting for that particular month.

B. Nominations:

Officers shall give their permission before their names can be accepted for an office. Officers shall be elected by a majority of voting members present.

Added by Amendment, October 5, 2000 – Elections shall occur in November and new officers installed in January.

C. Special Meetings:

The President of the Association shall have the discretion of calling special meetings provided proper notice is afforded to all members.

D. Association Meetings:

Each official meeting of the Association shall be an open public meeting.

E. Announcements: Added by Amendment, October 5, 2000 –

Members in good standing, who wish to make an announcement at a Membership Meeting, must register their announcement with the President prior to the meeting and receive approval. Announcements shall be limited to one minute and must be in accordance with the by-laws and in the interest of the Association.

F. Proposals: Added by Amendment, October 5, 2000 –

Members in good standing who wish to be on the agenda (issues requiring longer than one minute to present) must give their proposal in writing to the President two (2) weeks prior to the meeting and receive Board approval.

G. Board Attendance: Added by Amendment, October 5, 2000 –

The Board of Directors must be present at all Board and Membership Meetings, or notify the President in advance of their pending absence.


A. Standing Committees:

Communications Committee

The Communications Committee shall be responsible for preparing the newsletter, press releases, and meeting notices. 

Block Captains

Added by Amendment, October 5, 2000

Block Captains are volunteers from the membership, preferably one member for each side of the street per block or two blocks and who live on that particular street or block. Block Captains are the first line of communication between the Association and its members. They man the telephone communications network in either direction, and distribute the newsletter and meeting notices.

Area Leader

Added by Amendment, October 5, 2000

The area within the geographic confines of the Association shall be divided into 4-5 areas. Within each area, there shall be several Block Captains. Block Captains from each Area shall select an Area Leader who shall represent them on the Board of Directors.

Nominating Committee;

Added by Amendment, November 2, 2010

The Nominating Committee shall be responsible for preparing a slate of Officers for the ensuing calendar year and presenting that slate at the September meeting of the Association. The Nominating Committee shall obtain the consent of each candidate on the slate.

B. Temporary Committees:

The Board may appoint Temporary Committees.



A. The Association shall have no political affiliation with any political group or person and shall not endorse any candidates.


A. These by-laws can be amended by a favorable vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Association present at a properly called meeting provided notice of the proposed by-law change is given at least 30 days in advance of the meeting at which the vote occurs. A quorum of ten percent (10%) of the voting members based on paid annual memberships shall be required to amend the by-laws.


Posted by bmemccune on 02/04/2011
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