Chabot Park Highlands Homeowners Assoc.

Our sweet cat is missing!

Posted in: Glenview
We've lost our heart-cat (as of Monday morning 7/11). Pete's a small orange tiger, about 2 years old with a gimpy left front foot. He's very nocternal. He may be locked in someone's garage or hanging out in someone's backyard. We're just sick! We've checked the shelter, put up signs (will put up more), and will be running an ad in the Montlairian. We're on Wellington St. just south of Park. Any other ideas? We need him home! Any help would be great. The Bailey-Lett family

Hi there.. I am really sorry to hear this!

I am a local "cat lady" as they call me.. I am actually a realtor, but spend most of my spare time working with feral/homeless cats and volunteering with groups.   I feed a lot of homeless cats down off of lower Park.

My suggestions are these: Post on Craigslist, under "pets", which is a popular place to post for lost and found cats and dogs.  I know of several success stories..  

I am sure you've posted on your street, and you can hand out flyers to neighbors.

If you go out in the evening, later when it is quiet, (go with someone), walk around and quietly, or not so quietly, call out your cat's name.   He may be scared and hiding under someone's house or in the bushes.. and he may hear your voice when it is quiet and come out.  This has been successful for some folks.

Contact the Oakland Animal Shelter...go there in person, 1101 29th Ave. (a few blocks before crossing the bridge to Alameda).  They are open every day but Monday, from 12:00-5:00. 535-5602.  You can post there..

Good luck.. I think posting on the poles is going to be successful!

Ellen Lynch


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