?¨ ?¨ City of Tampa has accepted the Channel District's Quarterly City Update this Spring 2009
What You Need To Know
?¨ ?¨ The success of your neighborhood community relies on your commitment to communicate with your neighbors. It is from this basic commitment of you and your neighbors individual commitments to communicate that the success of the Channel District Neighborhood Community is based. Please see attached the listing of all Neighborhood Town Halls scheduled at the Florida Aquarium for this year; inclusive of Board Nominations and Board Elections.
?¨ The Channel District has successfully had the Neighborhood's Spring quarterly update accepted by the City of Tampa
?¨ Special thanks to our neighborhood's City registered mentorship with Historic Hyde Park Neighborhood Association along with the equally as strong and ongoing support from numerous other Tampa neighborhoods
Action Required
?¨ ?¨ Continue/ Begin being involved with the neighborhood by attending the Town Hall's; see attachment
?¨ Continue/Begin being involved with the independent neighborhood focus groups within the Channel Neighborhood Association.
?¨ Notify the communications committee of your neighborhood focus group if you haven't already; thus enabling increased neighborhood communication and support for your focus group
?¨ Initiate a "new" focus group and notify; the communication committee; thus enabling increased neighborhood communication and support of items/events and/or issues presently appearing to go unnoticed/unaddressed by the Neighborhood
If you have questions, please contact : Scott Humphries,