Chanterelle Maintenance Corporation

September 12th, 2007

Chanterelle Update

Dear Neighbors,

I told you that I would reply back to you after I had another conversation with Charles Wilkinson. Over the weekend, he was at Cape May but he took my call and we conversed for about 15 minutes. I am summarizing my conversation with him, below.
#1 – The owners of the house are still proceeding with the way it was designed, approved and built. The owners, architect and Charles are still waiting to see the final product before deciding whether or not to change the color of the stucco.
#2 – Settlement is schedule to be approx 6 weeks from now.
#3 – A final decision whether or not to change the color will be made prior to settlement.
#4 – Charles mentioned that he IS interested in how the community feels about the color of this house. I’ve done my best to express your feelings and concerns. However, if you would like to call his cell, his number is: 302.218.7217.

Additional info about the community:
#1 – According to the Wilkinson Site Improvement Team, it appears that Wilkinson will not be dedicating the roadbeds to DelDOT until the spring of 2008. Wilkinson will coordinate the snow removal for the 2007-2008 winter season as they have done in the past and will save our community maintenance corp money.
#2 – I have heard that the house in our community that is on Possum Park Rd is for sale for $775k. I’ve also heard that the owners (investors) claimed bankruptcy and the bank is into it for $700k and that it may go up for Sheriff’s sale. Click on link, below, to see listing.
If anyone knows of more information, please feel free to share it.

#3 – The Architectural Review committee (your 3 board members) recently approved a beautiful “in-ground” swimming pool that will be owned by Harry and Lin Clark and built by Anthony Sylvan.

#4 – The Board has requested a quote for Insurance. Attached is the insurance quote. The annual fee would be $500.00 for $1,000,000.00 Liability on Open Space, the Sign and Directors and Officers coverage. Let me/us know your thoughts.

#5 – Tom Cahill, BC Consulting, called about parcel # 0804700124 (the NCC Public Open Space behind Harry and Lin Clark’s house as well as a few others) to New Castle County since we notified Tom that they have not been maintaining it. It is absolutely their responsibility to maintain, not the Chanterelle Maintenance Corporation. The Supervisor of NCC Property Maintenance will call Tom back to discuss upon his receipt of the message. We are also checking on how “frequently” the County will agree to cut it.

#6 – Doug Lavenburg spoke with the Brandywine Seal coat company and has negotiated a fee between $155 and $175 for our driveways to be seal coated. Doug has agreed to manage the money matter and give them a check directly for the services. All the driveways need to be sealed the SAME DAY to obtain that pricing. Doug suggested that we wait until the latter part of Sept. in hopes that the heavy equipment and some of the dirt is out of the way for the newer construction sites (I am guessing this will now be October…). Doug does not have all the e-mail addresses of everyone who showed interest, but he has approximately 10 verbal commitments. If anyone has a complete e-mail list of our neighbors, please forward that to me/Lin. He is currently looking at the following dates in Sept.: 26-28th. If anyone has any objection to these dates, please contact Dr. Doug.

I believe that is all for now.
Take Care
Ed Rozanski
302.368.8515 Home
302.368.8514 Office
302.521.7972 Cell

Posted by erozanski on 09/12/2007
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