> What is the plan for the area? (East Area Plan, adopted 1990; Eastside Strategies adopted 2001)
> What is the current zoning and what is the zoning requested?
> What other zonings/issues impact the discussion? What other land use activities are occurring?
> Learn where to get information.
The Planning Commission (336-2205) has the area plans, staff analysis and other information related to planning and the specific petition for rezoning:
Currently Tom Drake: 336-8312 and Keith McVean: 336-5738 work on the rezonings.
Sonja Sanders: 336-8310 has the adjacent property owners listings.
You can get copies of the plans from this department (8th floor, Government Center).
> The more people involved, the more successful your efforts; involve
several neighborhoods.
> Call for a general meeting for everyone in the area. Invite the
petitioner and a Planning staff person to attend to present information; have
material available to educate people.
> Close the meeting for the neighborhood residents only, after the presentations of the petitioner and staff, then
> organize a committee: plan for a lot of calls, numerous meetings, flyers providing information.
> What is the history of the property?
> The East District Plan (also Eastside Strategies Plan) calls for the
area/property to be: [fill in the blank ________________](or what other plan covers the area)
> Have there been other recent rezonings in the area that set a pattern for change?
> What might happen if this passes? What might happen if it doesn't pass? Look at as many sides of the issue as you can.
- What are your choices; coming to a decision/getting as many people involved as time/volunteers/interest permits.
> Protest petition (signed by adjacent property owners only; those within
100 ft.): what it does:
- requires a 3/4 vote rather than a majority vote to pass a rezoning
- gives neighborhoods more bargaining power; more attention from developer;
- requires less votes to defeat, if that is what is ultimately decided.
File the petition only after City Council has passed a resolution to
hold a public hearing. File as late as possible, before deadline.
> About (CD) zonings: the (CD) on a zoning petition means there are
conditions attached to the rezoning. The petitioner is required to hold a
"neighborhood" meeting. This gives you the opportunity to work with the petitioner to ask for conditions on the property that ensure its impact on the area will be positive. The cooperativeness of different petitioners varies. Where the vote on the petition may be close, and you have decided to oppose the rezoning request, you can tell the Council that you have worked with the petitioner, however, the conditions negotiated are not sufficient for the rezoning to positively impact the neighborhood/area/corridor.
Additionally, whatever you have negotiated will help lessen the negative impact if the petition passes.
Additional Notes:
(see Strategies for Addressing a Rezoning Petition below)
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