
July 5, 2006 Meeting Minutes and Newsletter Items

Jul 20, 2006



July 5, 2006

PENDING BOARD APPROVAL (at the Next Meeting)


The meeting was called to order at 4:58 p.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church. Present from the Board of Directors were Mark Stiles, Rick Forester, and Bill Oliver. Harry Stackhouse attended for the Architectural Control Committee. Present from Western States Property Services, Inc. was Earl Johnson, Project Manager.


The agenda was approved as written.


A motion was made to approve the Minutes from the May 3, 2006 Board of Directors Meeting without any changes/revisions. The motion was seconded and passed.


No items.


Board Organization - As a result of his forthcoming move out of the area, Board president, Dave Hauser, has submitted his resignation effective 06/30/06. The Board agreed that Bill Oliver will serve as president position as well as in the secretary position until his term ends in early ?‘07. In the interim, the Board will seek a Charterwood member interested in serving on the Board until the March annual meeting and elections for the next terms.

Financials - Earl Johnson reviewed the as of 05/31/06 Financial Status of the Association. Excluding delinquent receivables, the Operating and Reserve accounts are at $24.6K and $30.8K respectively. The year to date budget status was also reviewed. A motion was made, seconded and passed to approve the financials as presented.

An update was also provided addressing the as of 05/26/06 assessment payment status and current delinquencies. Some older delinquencies are being resolved from correlating legal actions.

Rick Forester further discussed the handling of the Reserve account relative to funds like the Vanguard Treasury fund. Comparative data of various deposit accounts from Colonial Bank, where the funds currently reside, still needs to be obtained by Earl for further review. Rick and Earl will coordinate this effort.

Covenant Violations - Current covenant violations are discussed in a separate Addendum to the Minutes for distribution to the Project Manager, Board and ACC Members.


Harry Stackhouse said six Design Review Requests have been processed since the last meeting.


?’06 Home Paint Review - The Board and ACC reviewed the current status of paint review responses. Discussed were actions to be taken with those who have not responded to the paint notifications..

Common Area Landscape Maintenance ?– Platinum Landscaping has completed installation of the sidewalk edging along the back perimeter. Earl was requested to advise them that the edging along Iliff still needs to be done.

Perimeter Shrub Trimming and Area Cleanup ?– Platinum has trimmed the Guanella Maple shrubs around the back perimeter, however, none of the other shrubs. Earl was requested to notify them of that omission. They also need to still clean up the perimeter rocked area of debris, cover over the exposed plastic and pull the weeds growing out of many shrubs. The Board noted that it was disappointed that Platinum did not accomplish an extra trimming in the spring in addition to their normal July and fall trimmings. Funds in the ?’06 budget had been set aside for this third trimming. Earl to notify Platinum of these concerns and also establish a monthly schedule of needed actions by them.

Tract C (Pie-Shaped Park) ?– The southeast corner of the park still needs to be sodded by Platinum. In addition, the park sprinkler system needs to be checked. Areas in the center of the park and behind the mailboxes are receiving hardly any sprinkler coverage. Earl to follow up with Platinum.

Tract A (Drainage Culvert) ?– Residual downed tree debris from a lot on the north side may need to be removed from the common area if not already picked up. Also a dead tree on the south side of the area needs to be replaced. Earl to coordinate with Platinum.

Perimeter Trees ?– The Board completed trimming of low hanging tree branches and overgrown spruce trees along the perimeter walkways so that people can get by.

Senate Bill 06-089 ?– The Governor signed this bill the end of May which is know as the ?“Senate Bill Cleanup Bill.?” Based on its corrections, clarifications and revisions to the poorly staffed Senate Bill 100 in 2005, correlating revisions now have to be made to the draft Charterwood Handbook. Our HOA attorney, Rich Johnston also has to incorporate changes to his drafted seven policies and procedures plus now draft an eighth policy for the Handbook. Once completed copies will be provided to the Board, ACC lead and Management Company for final review.

Common Area Fence Repairs ?– As a follow up, Earl was requested to set up an annual walk around review of the common area fences with High Country Paint and Board/ACC to determine where new repairs may be needed. There have already been some repairs done this year as a result of the winter windstorms. When needed fence painting is done by High Country on the west outside perimeter, Bill Oliver requested that they also touchup some of the mailbox kiosks where paint is pealing off of the pressure-treated frame.


Entryway Island Lights ?– Vandals broke three of the lights last month. A Police Report was filed. The lights have since been repaired. The repair costs to the Association are $438. These lights have been damaged a few times since their 12/03 installation. Any creative ideas on what to do with them in the future are requested.

Entryway Sign ?– In addition to the broken lights, the vandals also tore off a letter from one of the Charterwood signs on the side of the entryway. Bill will provide an outline of the letter to Earl to obtain a replacement estimate.


The next Board Meeting will be held 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 6, 2006, at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 3096 S. Sheridan Boulevard. All Association members are welcome to attend.


With no further business to discuss, the Meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m.


Outside Improvements to Lots:

The past few months the Board, Architectural Control Committee and Management Company have encountered incidents where some Charterwood Homeowners have not fully understood the Covenants in regard to making Lot improvements/alterations. Based on this, especially in view of new residents moving into the area, the following Charterwood Covenant excerpt is presented to identify the related requirements:

Article VI, Architectural Control Committee, Section 2, provides that ?“No improvement shall be installed, constructed or maintained upon any Lot or Common Property and no alteration or re-roofing or repainting to the exterior of a structure with other than the original house paint colors or original roofing type and color, as applicable, shall be made and no landscaping performed unless complete plans, specifications, and site plans therefor,?…?…shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Architectural Control Committee.?”

Based on this, ACC review and approval via submittal to them of Design Review Requests (DRR?’s) is first required prior to making any exterior improvements (a few more examples include replacement windows, decks and deck covers/roofs, structures, etc.). DRR?’s may be submitted directly to an ACC member (quicker approach) or sent to the Management Company. Note that the ACC has up to 30 days to disposition a DRR after submission of a complete proposal.

As noted in prior Newsletters, these requirements are not to infringe on choice but to ensure all choices are in harmony with the overall appearance of the community. As some background on this, one of the provisions in the overarching Lakewood Estates Covenants (which the Charterwood Covenants are a supplement to) states they are to protect Homeowners against improper development, maintenance and use of surrounding Lots which will depreciate the value and/or use of their Lots.

Basketball Hoops:

There have been recent questions and associated Homeowner responses regarding basketball hoops. Generally, mounting the hoops on homes has not been allowed; beginning with after the initial build of the homes. At present, there are a few hoops mounted above garages that were possibly approved years ago in weak moments by prior ACC?’s or just happened to go up unnoticed.

The normally accepted approaches are either portable hoops, which do not require processing a DRR, and permanent pole mounted hoops which do require DRR coordination.

For a portable hoop, it should be behind the sidewalk; not facing the street (for safety reasons). The safety concern is because of speeding drivers and occasional Evil Knievel motorcycle demonstrations in the neighborhood. In this regard, one Homeowner recently wrote that it would be nice if the Association would pay more attention to the crazy drivers in the area in view of all the kids playing outside.

For the permanent pole mounted hoop, after DRR approval, it should be placed within 2 feet of the side of a driveway and a minimum 10 feet from the sidewalk. The pole should be painted black or a color to match the home. One approach is a removable pole with a ground sleeve.

Backyard Hoops: DRR approval is required. Requests will be evaluated on placement and the situation of the backyard relative to nearby neighbors.

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