I read some time ago about a single mother who had a 12 year old son with a toothache. The benefits she had did nnot cover her child who needed that tooth pulled.
She did not have the money for her sons' tooth extraction. During this time a cyst began to grow in the gums. The infection of the growth spread to her sons' brain and the son died.
The cost of the extraction was $90. This did not take place in a third world country.
It took place in the good old United States of America.
That should not have happened. What a tragedy. What a waste.
Even with new bills signed in the by Congress, prices are still rising and more people are without dental and medical programs many times because of cost and we are facing a dental health crisis in this country.
I read somtime ago that about 28% of heart problems in women are related to dental health issues.
There is an answer for effectively dealing with this situation. If you would like information concerning that please email me at dparque@sbcglobal.net.
Darryl Parque