Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association

** ** 2011 - Cheatom Park Mtg Minutes(*NEW APRIL -*next month*)


January - February 2011 Cheatom Park Meeting Minutes


Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association Meeting

Wednesday, January 19, 2011 ISED Conference Center


Attendance: Don Curry (President), Christina Butts (Secretary), Nina Koger (Treasurer)(@7:30p), Sgt. Bernell Edwards (DMPD), Mike Lehman(DM Inspection), Susan Wells, Terry Wells, Punit Vyas(Mercy Board Rep nominee)


  1. D. Curry called the meeting to order at 6:10 pm.

  2. **Treasurer Report – N. Koger reported for last November starting balance – $4,477.44, $6.31 Voicemail, $0.31 Acct Interest = balance ending $4,471.44 | Starting Dec. balance $4,471.44, $100.00 Miss Black Iowa, $6.31 Voicemail, $0.30 Acct Interest = $4,365.43 balance ending for January start

  3. Secretary Report – November minutes submitted for edit and approval. Amendment to correct the person listed opening the meeting - Amendment to insert descriptive wording of important votes taken during meetings as to who voted/was present. Changes were noted acknowledged by C. Butts. The minutes were then moved and approved.

  4. DMPD Report - Sgt. Bernell Edwards(DMPD) - Total of 26 calls, majority were minor – burglaries, larceny, drug offenses and simple assaults – mentioned overgrown brush in alleyways is allowing illegal activities behind houses and backyards with no lighting. Sgt. Edwards said to keep watch and call 911. He, M. Lehman and D. Curry would investigate city departments that might cut back alley foliage or contact MidAmerica for locations near powerlines in the alleys.

  5. DM City Report – Mike Lehman (DM City Inspection) gave his report on notices and violations written in the last few months in Cheatom Park area. The empty gas station lot on 13th and University had been written up with numerous complaints filed. Property owner evicted the towing company , fixed the fencing and gates.| Snow removal on sidewalks was mentioned and move vehicles off the streets for plowing after heavy snowfall. City issuing tickets for complaints.

  6. New Business – Des Moines City housing (DMMHA) at 1170-1178 on 9th St. will be bought by Community Housing Initiative(CHI) agency for remodeling into affordable rental housing.

  7. New Business – The city of DM, after discussions with Cheatom Pres. D. Curry, will NOT demolish the abandoned house on 1125 11th St. It will seek buyers as a historical structure in the neighborhood but it is a HUD home with restrictions that may take long to sell.

  8. New Business – Discussed using word of mouth marketing Cheatom Park to get responsible property development and home ownership investments into the neighborhood to revitalize the housing market.

  9. Old Business – Consideration for and planning an outside association meeting per the membership growth idea offered by new member Jamie Yovonnie and Planning for Cheatom Park's upcoming 2011 events and community involvement was postponed until February's meeting.

  10. Old Business – Open/Vacant Property- a few more properties along 11th St are being remodeled.

  11. Old Business – S. Wells - Evelyn Davis Project – at a stand still presently and recent meeting was postponed. The 6th Ave project had a recent meeting over planning 2011 events and expanding dates and activities to a farmer's market and late afternoon Jazz in July.

  12. Old Business ELECTIONS – Attendance by seated board members was still too low to hold and election of nominations as none of those nominated or self nominated were in attendance. T. Wells motioned to set February's meeting as the final confirmed election date regardless of the numbers attending just to select someone, even as interim candidates, to fill the empty Executive Board positions and to replace the nearly empty board seats as all previous 2009-10 members have been up for renewal or retired at maximum term limits.

  13. [cont] - The remaining Executive board will be accepting new nominations (til February 6, ten days before elections) for open board positions. T. Well presented his nomination list again - Claire Rudison(for Cheatom Vice President), Margaret Shade(for Cheatom Treasurer), Valerie Weaver (previously submitted her interest in joining the board), Talya Ombumiseli (nominated by T. Wells but was not notified yet of this gesture), George Shade (for board). Submitted in person nominations months earlier were by Debra and Bates Carr for renewal. Punit Vyas (replacing Joe LeValley for Mercy Hospital) submitted his during the meeting. C. Butts would not vote to approve setting final elections until the list of official nominees and empty board seats up at that point was clarified.

  14. [cont] – Those members at te meeting verbally agreed on a need to recruit additional businesses and larger non-profits representatives like DMACC or Primary HealthCare to join the Cheatom Park board.

  15. [cont] - T.Wells motioned that Christina Butts be finally elected to Secretary after voluntarily serving in the position over a year without any elections held. It was 2nded by D. Curry and voted and approved unanimously by the other 3 members in attendance.

  16. New Old/Business – After voting T. Well brought up consideration for moving future meetings to Primary HealthCare building meeting rooms located at 13th & University Ave. Also, to change the meeting day of the week/month from Wednesday so prospective members and present ones can coordinate conflicted schedules.

  17. Old Business - T. Well revisited an old idea to extend Cheatom Park boarders to include Goods Park residents and those businesses/residents south of the I235 freeway and along Keoway, who might request Cheatom Park for supporting organized representation to the in city dealings. It was agreed to comeback to later meetings with any results of finding residents from those neighborhoods formally making a request to join Cheatom Park NHA.

  18. T. Well motioned 2011 election's to be postponed until February's meeting. It was unanimously approved by voice vote between the D. Curry, C.Butts, S. Wells & T. Wells.

  19. It was motioned and the Meeting was adjourned.


Respectfully submitted by


Christina Butts

Secretary Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association





Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association Meeting

Wednesday, February 16, 2011 ISED Conference Center


Attendance: Don Curry (President)(absent ill), Christina Butts (Secretary), Nina Koger (Treasurer)(notfied absent), Sgt. Bernell Edwards (DMPD)(@DMPD Training), Susan Wells, Terry Wells, Punit Vyas(Mercy Board Rep nominee), Rev. Fred Gaddy, Bates Carr(6:15p), Debra Carr(6:20p), Valerie Weaver(6:25p), Jamie Yovonie(6:30p)


  1. C. Butts(Secretary) called the meeting to order at 6:10 pm.

  2. [Meeting context] - At time of the meeting callto order only the Wells, Rev. Gaddy, and board nominee P. Vyas were present. By consensus, that was too few for a vote and only the Pres. or Vice Pres. can hold the elections even just to accept board nominees. Within minutes additional nominees and regular member filed in later. Executive nominees(M. Shade, C. Rudison) reported through their nominator(T.Wells) that they could not attend even to be elected on a Wednesday during church study night. By consensus after everyone could attend arrived, a shortened casual agenda was followed for the February meeting using a mix of formal motions/votes or group consensus for decisions and elections moved to March.

  3. **Treasurer Report – N. Koger was unable to attend as the meeting ended before she could arrive from previous commitments. March meeting will have 2 reports submitted.

  4. ** Secretary Report – January minutes were submitted for edit and approval. The minutes were then moved and approved.

  5. DMPD Report - Sgt. Bernell Edwards(DMPD) - Earlier in the day had contacted D. Curry and C. Butts, to report his commitment to a DMPD Training that evening but would attend the next month's meeting.

  6. New Business – D. Carr motioned to mark who in attendance were eligible to vote with up-to-date paid dues for the year. Membership renewal dues were collected and given by Rev. Gaddy. Debra & Bates Carr, Terry & Susan Wells, Valerie Weaver, Jamie Yovonie, [Punit Vyas was unable at time] to C. Butts(Secretary) who allowed volunteering Rev. Gaddy to collect/document the funds for C.Butts to deliver to the Treasurer by the next day. D. Carr also turned over the association's 2nd checkbook used by Treasurer or Pres/VP to be given back to N. Koger with the dues. [ 1700, 2/17 the items were turned over to Nina]

  7. New Business – Through formal official consensus and discussion of open days the NEW Cheatom Park monthly meeting date was chosen to be the

** 2ND THURSDAY of THE MONTH.** Also, February's ELECTIONS WOULD BE MOVED to ** THURSDAY, MARCH 10TH. ** The new meeting day schedule will be updated in all related Cheatom Park information.

  1. Old Business – Open discussion of tentative 2011 Cheatom Park event planning.

- Participation in 6th Ave's Jazz in July celebration – 3rd Saturday of July host the Cheatom Park Fest again - Simple yearly August Nightout event – possible March or April potluck for monthly meeting inviting residents – host an event activity for graduating neighborhood teens or later fall holiday resident/family event or assist a local elderly resident.

  1. Old Business – T.Wells - Evelyn Davis Project is at a stand still presently as the financing is still in flux with no one set to finally buy the property from the City.

  2. Old Business – T. Well - in reference to moving future meetings to Primary HealthCare building meeting rooms at 13th & University Ave., he and D.Carr said they would contact the persons running the clinic for possible facility use if needed and securing a representative from Primary Health to attend Cheatom Park meetings in the future.

  3. Old Business – S.Wells – has invited interested Goods Park residents to attend our monthly meets to ask for to document their neighborhood concerns for our support when facing the city. She will invite them to April's meeting.

  4. Other Business – T. & S. Wells brought along the new semester Neighborhood Resident Leadership Program schedule of classes FREE and available for learning community organizing skills being ran by DMACC and Rebuilding Together(who provide the FREE scholarships to neighborhood residents wishing to attend a class .) The new information will be uploaded to the Cheatom Park website for downloading.

  5. It was motioned and the Meeting was adjourned before 7:30p


Respectfully submitted by


Christina Butts

Secretary Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association






March - April 2011 Cheatom Park Meeting Minutes

Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association Meeting

Thursday, March 10, 2010 ISED Conference Center


Attendance: Don Curry(President), Christina Butts (Secretary), Nina Koger (Treasurer)(notified absent), Sgt. Bernell Edwards (DMPD)(@DMPD Training), Susan Wells, Terry Wells, Punit Vyas(Mercy Board Rep nominee), Bates Carr(6:15p), Debra Carr(6:20p), , Jamie Yovonie(6:10p), Talya Obumseli, Charles Yovonie


  1. D. Curry(President) called the meeting to order at 6:15 pm.

  2. [Meeting context] - At time of the meeting call to order only the board nominee P. Vyas, B. Carr, J. Yovonie, C.Yovonie were present. By consensus, that was too few for a vote. Minutes were read and approved. Soon after additional nominees and regular members filed in later. D. Carr and T. & S. Wells came around 6:30p

  3. **Treasurer Report – N. Koger was unable to attend and unable to submit Jan & Feb. for March meeting, will have 3 reports submitted in April.

  4. ** Secretary Report – February minutes were submitted for edit and approval. The minutes were then moved and approved.

  5. DMPD Report - Sgt. Bernell Edwards(DMPD) - Had contacted D. Curry to report his commitment to a DMPD Training could not attend.

  6. New Business – D. Curry after finishing with the agenda basics started the Elections as majority of the board member nominees were in attendance and also were paid members to vote on adding boardmembers. Each member spoke on their own behalf. The nominees - B. Carr, D. Carr., P. Vyas, T. Obumseli were unanimously voted on as new boardmembers 3/14/2011 with 2yr terms.

  7. New Business – The nominees for Vice President and Treasurer were not in attendance. To replace D. Curry's concurrent holding of both V. Pres and Pres. Offices, D. Carr tendered her name to the post of V. Pres. as a longtime association representative/volunteer. After discussion of By-Laws in regards to executive office term limits, sequential and multiple held offices the members moved to vote to accept her nomination and elected D. Carr as V. President.

  8. New Business – T. Obumseli(newly elected boardmember) motioned the creation of a membership committee to work on contacting and gathering residents, area churches/businesses to become new participating members. Joining the new committee was T. & S. Wells. Members agreed to work on neighborhood association talking points to hand out with efforts in recruiting residents.

  9. Old Business – Open discussion of tentative 2011 Cheatom Park event planning.

Participation 7/2 in 6th Ave's Jazz in July celebration – 3rd Saturday of July host the Cheatom Park Fest again - Simple yearly August Nightout event – host an event activity for graduating neighborhood teens or later fall holiday resident/family event or assist a local elderly resident.

  1. Old Business – T. Well - in reference to moving future meetings to Primary HealthCare building meeting rooms at 13th & University Ave., he and D.Carr said they would contact the persons running the clinic for possible facility use if needed and securing a representative from Primary Health to attend Cheatom Park meetings in the future.

  2. It was motioned and the Meeting was adjourned before 7:30p

Respectfully submitted by


Christina Butts

Secretary Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association - 3/19



Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association Meeting

Thursday, April 14, 2010  ISED Conference Center


Attendance:  Don Curry(President), Debra Carr(VP - 6:30p), Christina Butts (Secretary), Nina Koger (Treasurer), Sgt. Bernell Edwards (DMPD)(@King-Irving NASS), Susan Wells, Terry Wells, Punit Vyas(Mercy Board Rep nominee), Tucker Donehoo


  1.  D. Curry(President) called the meeting to order at 6:20 pm.
  2.  **Treasurer  Report – N. Koger 3 reports [1]January start bal. = $4,365.43|         -$6.31 Voicemail, $0.30 Acct Interest |balance ending $4359.42   [2]February start bal. = $4359.42|  Eight renewed/new membership dues = $96.00, -$6.31 Voicemail, $0.30 Acct Interest, -$100(check#1079) Donated by Cheatom Park to St. AME Church-Community Event  |balance ending $4,349.38  [3]March starting bal. –   $4,349.38| -$6.31 Voicemail, $0.29 Acct Interest = balance ending $4,343.36 |
  3.  ** Secretary Report – March minutes were submitted for edit and approval. T. Wells moved to add into the minutes discussion of talkpoints to be collected from members in the on going effort to recruit new members. The minutes were then  approved.
  4.  DMPD Report - Sgt. Bernell Edwards(DMPD) – commitment King-Irving the same meeting date as the new Cheatom Park meeting date
  5.  New Business – C.Butts offered to nominate Rev. Gaddy as Interim or new Treasurer for Cheatom Park. Members requested a confirmation if Rev. Gaddy interest in the position and would regularly attend meetings. C.Butts agreed to come back next meeting with his response on accepting the nomination. T.Wells mentioned Quickbooks could be gotten through ISED as donation to help next Treasurer.
  6.  New Business –  C.Butts mentioned concern of armed crime reported in south of freeway apartments and residential area the board was interested in having join the association. Consensus that our regular communications with police neighborhood reps would help them and provide them greater voice with the city. Reported by T.Wells & D.Curry outside entities were instead trying to get Cheatom Park subsumed(silenced) under the agendas of other neighborhood associations in reverse.
  7.  Old Business – Open discussion of 2011 Cheatom Park event participation 7/2 in 6th Ave's Jazz in July celebration – Cheatom Park will provide volunteers and staff a table again.- Fireworks planned – hours 2p-midnight possibly – lots of music performers
  8.  Old Business – SCRUB DAY – July 16th Saturday 7-noon, D. Curry agreed to help again to pick up large and yard waste items.
  9.  Old Business – 3rd Saturday of July(7/23rd) host the Cheatom Park Fest again  - members starting to gather resources for that day – stage, free/cheap entertainment, inflatable gym/slide, food vendors?, police/fire visits
  10.  Old Business – Simple yearly August Nightout event(9/2 Tues)  – host an event activity at Cheatom Park for families again but simpler.
  11.  Old Business – Evelyn Davis Project's status is setback with new commercial grocery developer replacing the previous group. Concern about their dedication to the area and residents.- offerings to include international foods
  12.  It was motioned and the Meeting was adjourned before 7:30p


Respectfully submitted by


Christina Butts

Secretary Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association - 4/25




May - June 2011 Cheatom Park Meeting Minutes








July - August 2011 Cheatom Park Meeting Minutes








September - November 2011 Cheatom Park Meeting Minutes





Posted by cheatom on 02/21/2011
Last updated on 05/19/2011

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