Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association

2007 - Cheatom Park Meeting Minutes(January - December)

Tuesday, Jan 17th-Feb 20st , 2007

Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association Members Meeting Minutes

January 17th, 2007 6:00 pm,

United Way Conference Center

Attendance: Debra Carr, Don Curry, Nina Koger, Jeanne Dobrzynski, Rich Hickle, Bob Reynolds, AKO Abdul-Samad, Justin Hancock.

1. D. Carr called the meeting to order.
2. DMPD report, Rich Hickle: 202 calls for service, 48 cases made. 15 at Mercy Hospital, 33 cases made, 1 burglary on 4th street, 1 drug possession, 5 vandalism, 6 thefts (4 from Mercy), 4 assaults (3 at Mercy). 1052 13th Street continues to be a problem property.
3. Neighborhood Inspector, Bob Reynolds – Inspected the house on 1052 13th Street, tennants have been dumping garbage on the Church lot across the street. 1072 14th Street is an illegal rental, no rental certificate on file.
4. AKO Abdul-Samad, our State Representative spoke to the membership. Contact information : Anthony, clerk, . Wants to concentrate on businesses in our community, specifically small business, and the educational system. He stated he does not support the Keo Way location for the rebuilding of Churches United Homeless Shelter, but he would like to see increased programming to help the homeless. He also supports vocational training in the school district and prisons, and addressing the needs of children of inmates, pointing out that 50% of incarcerated individuals have children. There is a Bill for the schools to improve the technology and for increased funding for minimizing the achievement gap. The floor was opened to questions – TSB has been out of funding for a year and a half. What opportunities for small business in this neighborhood. Need attractiveness. Need to increase the tax base in the neighborhood. Language of the bill is important so that a large number of people can qualify and benefit from the bill. There is a need to help individuals develop business plans. Q: Position on No Child Left Behind. A: As long as it is under funded, it will not be effective. D. Curry stated neighborhoods want more communication with the city and government officials. AKO has quarterly meetings to communicate with residents. A. Abdul-Samad stated he would host neighborhoods coming to Capitol Hill to meet representatives.
5. D. Carr is working with Don Williams regarding 1187 15th , 1415 university Avenue. J. Cochran has changed the property to her name and is trying to sell it.
6. Cheatom Park needs to join Des Moines Neighbors. Frank Owens is now the chair for Des Moines Neighbors.
7. D. Carr Adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jeanne Dobrzynski

Secretary, Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association

Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association Members Meeting Minutes

February 20, 2007,

United Way Conference Center

Attendance: Don Curry, Nina Koger, Jeanne Dobrzynski, Rich Hickle, Bob Reynolds.

1. D. Curry called the meeting to order. Minutes were reviewed, will approve at the next meeting.

2. Treasury report: N. Koger needs a key to the post office. Checking balance = $3,523.91. $164.00 in dues collected last month.

3. DMPD, 10% decrease in crime. Stats – 190 calls for service, 44 cases made (33 in neighborhood), there was an incident on 12th street, 2 burglaries,

4. Neighborhood Inspector, Bob Reynolds, Sharon Neff, parks and recreation handles graffiti removal, has been helpful in expediting removal from our neighborhood. House on 14th street has been working on cars, zoning has been monitoring the property. There is an illegal rental on 14th Street. 1052 13th Street has given them 30 days notice, and will evict them.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jeanne Dobrzynski

Secretary, Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association

Tuesday, Mar 20th-Apr 17th , 2007

Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association Members Meeting Minutes
XXXXX 2007 6:00 pm, United Way Conference Center



Tuesday, May 15th-Jun 19th, 2007

Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association, Inc.

Member’s Meeting,

Tuesday, May 15th 2007, 6:00 pm

United Way Conference Center

Attendance: Nina Koger (treasurer), Jeanne Dobrzynski (Secretary), Bob Reynolds (Neighborhood Inspector), Rich Hickle (DMPD), Christina Butts, Justin Hancock, Claudia Hawkins.

1. Treasurer’s report 3/20 - $3555.66. Need to pay voicemail.

2. Police Report – 183 calls for service. 61 cases made, 39 in neighborhood. Brochures for police open house were passed out.

3. Neighborhood Inspector (B. Reynolds) - 1181 10th Street is to be torn down this week. Trying to stay on top of junk and debris in the neighborhood. There has been an increase in graffiti. Working on stop signs. The city will start mowing overgrown lots next week.

4. Claudia Hawkins from Mt. Hebron Church spoke. There will be a Community Carnival at King School on Sat, Aug 19th from 10am – 4 pm. All are welcome to attend this free event.

5. Nina Koger – went to a class on Citizen’s Aid. Kristie Hirschman works with Citizens Aid and may be able to help with legal issues regarding property on 15th and Keo Way.

6. C. Butts stated people have been checking the Cheatom Park website. She would like to post copies of minutes from the neighborhood association meetings.

The YMCA residential facility is moving to the City View Apartment location.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeanne Dobrzynski

Secretary, Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association

Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association Meeting

Tuesday June 19th, 2007, 6:00 pm,

United Way Conference Center

Attendance: Debra Carr (president) Nina Koger (Treasurer), Kathryn Bastian, George Dobrzynski, Bob Reynolds, Jeanne Dobrzynski (Secretary), Chris Butts, Toussaint Cheatom, Nicki Cheatom.

1.D. Carr called the meeting to order.

2.Cheryl Busby from Iowa Comprehensive Human Services reported there are 15 teens in the summer work program. They have been placed at Boys and Girls Club, King Elementary School, St Paul’s AME, ISED, and Children Family Urban Ministries.

3.Treasurers report – N. Koger: checking balance= $3408.08. Post office, voice mail renewed no other expenditures.

4.Police report – B. Reynolds for Sgt. Hickle: 283 calls for service, 70 cases made (49 Cheatom Park, others Mercy or freeway), aggravated assault 5, burglaries 4, simple assaults 4, motor vehicle theft 1.

5.Neighborhood Inspector, B. Reynolds: The condemned house taken down on 10th street. Need to mow side of hill along Keo Way. He researched stop signs in the neighborhood; they are all placed where they are supposed to be. Bob wants a list of stop signs the neighborhood wants so he can work on it. National Night Out is August 7th.

6.Joanna Cheatom Summerfest is Saturday, July 21st, (this date has been changed to July 28th). We need the Showmotion stage from Parks and Rec from noon – 5 pm if available. Need park permit, power/restrooms/garbage cans.

7.Elections for President and Secretary of the Neighborhood Association will be held at the annual meeting in October. Those who wish to run or vote should pay their membership dues. Debra will contact businesses regarding dues.

8.Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association continues to work on legal problems regarding having our corporate identity stolen by the previous president. Attorney Don Williams working on getting corporate documents in order. It was advised that we get legal aid or the Polk County Attorney’s office involved.

9.Upcoming Events: Habitat for Humanity this 1169 14th street at 3:00pm. Drake park farmer’s market, every Wednesday. ISED Women’s empowerment seminar – banking, etiquette July 14th - free for teens, $10 for general public. Scrub day august 27th.

10.The meeting was adjourned at 7:20.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeanne Dobrzynski
Secretary, Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association


Tuesday July 17th, 2007, Cheatom Park Meeting Minutes

Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association Meeting

Tuesday July 17th, 2007, 6:00 pm,

United Way Conference Center

Attendance: Debra Carr via phone (President), Don Curry (Vice President) Nina Koger (Treasurer), Bates Carr, George Dobrzynski, Bob Reynolds, Rich Hickle (DMPD), Jeanne Dobrzynski (Secretary), Chris Butts, Phyllis Simpson, Justin Hancock.

1.D. Carr called the meeting to order.
2.Minutes were approved as corrected.
3.Treasurers report: N. Koger checking balance = $3408.79. Joanne Cheatom Summerfest expenses: The “Show Motion�? stage has been secured for $580.00, There is a $30.00 charge for the shelter reservation and trash management. The treasury report was approved as submitted.
4.Police Report – 242 calls for service, 74 cases made (50 cases in Cheatom Park), 2 burglaries - 800 University, 1157 12th Street (vacant house). There have been disruptive gathering of kids at 1100 block 10th Street and between 10th and 11th at Enos. Business owner at 14th and Ascension , Lance Cooper, owns Sports Connection has had vandalism to property as well as problems with people dumping bricks on his property. This 4th of July was mild. August 7th is National Night Out.
5.B. Reynolds, Neighborhood Inspector - Trying to get lot on 15 and Keo Way mowed, but the request was denied. Cheatom Park should write a letter to Rick Clark and C. Hensley to try to get support for having lawn mowed.
6.We have not asked any of our business partners for financial support this year. D. Carr and N. Koger will contact businesses. More businesses from the neighborhood will be added to the list.
7.Update on Churches United Shelter. D. Curry states a letter was sent by the shelter to the City Council requesting funding and the funding was denied until changes were made. City Council has backed neighborhood input (see July 8th City Council Meeting). The Shelter is moving forward with their plans to build on the site at Keo Way. The Riverfront YMCA men’s residence is being forced out of their property.
8.Update on the Top Value building: temporarily housing a book warehouse, with plans of an office supply store.
9.The Youth Program has been going well. Twenty neighborhood teens are participating and receive job training and tutoring. B. Carr has been working with students on leadership. Last year the Neighborhood Association paid for the end of year trip to Kansas City. This year the teens would like to go to Valley Fair in Minnesota. D. Carr requested funding for this trip. C. Butts made a motion to fund the student’s trip to Valley Fair. J. Hancock seconded. Motion passed without opposition.
10.Summerfest plans – There will be informational tables for Legal Aid, Jean Rumley, Making Connections, and Home Inc. Fire Department. We are looking for food vendors. Entertainment – Don Brown, Drummer, Working on drill team, check into Blue Bunny, Face stamping, children’s games. Promote National Night Out.
11.National Night Out – Pot Luck Ice Cream Social – bring a topping to share.
12.C. Butts brought up putting out signs to promote neighborhood events. Signage for the neighborhood will be on the agenda for September.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeanne Dobrzynski
Secretary, Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association


September 18th & October 17th 2007, Cheatom Park Meeting Minutes

Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association Meeting

Tuesday September 18th, 2007, 6:00 pm,

United Way Conference Center

Attendance: Debra Carr (President), Don Curry (Vice President) Nina Koger (Treasurer), Sgt. Burnell Edwards (DMPD), George Dobrzynski, Bob Reynolds (Neighborhood Inspector), Jeanne Dobrzynski (Secretary), Chris Butts, Phyllis Simpson, Sherri Taha, Toussaint Cheatom.

1.D. Carr called the meeting to order. Introductions were made.
2.The minutes were reviewed and approved as written.
3.C. Butts presented reusable signs to use for promoting neighborhood association meetings and events. A motion passed to purchase 4 signs.
4.S. Taha made a presentation on legislation for Voter Owned Iowa Clean Elections. She encouraged members to support this effort. Her contact number is 771-0181.
5.It was suggested the election for President and Secretary of the Neighborhood Association be moved to the November meeting, no objections.
6.T. Cheatom announced he will move to Springfield IL. His Cousin, Melissa will remain in Des Moines and be a contact person for the Cheatom Park family. Pastor Bastian and Kat Bastian will also be moving to St. Louis this month. The Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association would like to thank them for their work in the community.
7.N. Koger gave the Treasury report. The treasurer’s report was approved as written. D. Carr stated $1700.00 is coming from the Making Connections grant.
8.The Hidden Hero’s banquet is this weekend.
9.The new Neighborhood Based Police Sergeant for Cheatom Park, Burnell Edwards, introduced himself. He can be reached at phone #205-1312. He strongly encouraged residents to call his cell phone or DMPD dispatch at 238-4811 to report criminal activity and gave some neighborhood watch tips.
10.Neighborhood Inspector Report, B. Reynolds – Dumping has been a problem in the Cheatom Park. The HyVee on MLK is moving. Mondamin Presidential Neighborhood Association is fighting the move. They are collecting signatures on a petition.
11.J. Dobrzynski discussed Neighborhood Watch and Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association signs to post on every main entry point in Cheatom Park. The cost for the signs, which includes installation, is $22.50 per sign. A motion was passed to purchase 5 Neighborhood Watch signs for Cheatom Park.
12.D. Carr adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jeanne Dobrzynski
Secretary, Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association
Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association Meeting

Wednesday October 17th, 2007, 6:00 pm,

United Way Conference Center

Attendance: Debra Carr (President), Nina Koger (Treasurer), Sgt. Burnell Edwards (DMPD), George Dobrzynski, Bob Reynolds (Neighborhood Inspector), Jeanne Dobrzynski (Secretary), Brenda Bradley, Monica Ollie.

1.D. Carr called the meeting to order. Introductions were made.
2.The minutes were reviewed and approved as corrected.
3.Treasury Report, N. Koger –Checking balance as of 9/28/07 = $3883.64. $2500.00 received from Mercy. The treasury report was approved.
4.Police report – Sgt Burnell Edwards – Vandalism - 5 reports, Simple Assault-1; Robberies – 2; Aggravated assaults – 1; Narcotics is aware of drug and prostitution activity at brick apartment building 9th Street Apt 4. He encouraged people to call with suspected criminal activity.
5.Neighborhood Inspector – Infraction notice sent to landlord; There has been a complaint about trucks at 14th place – investigated and truck only has drywall supplies. Continue to monitor junk and debris. Residents have been finding garbage on street from kids that park on 12th Street. There may be a half-way house in the area, neighborhood inspector will investigate.
6.D. Carr talked about bringing kids from the neighborhood to the Hidden Heroes banquet; suggestions should be forwarded to her.
7.Announcements by D. Carr - Saturday, Nov 17th from 1-3 pm at CCI is an Iowa Caucus training. December 1st is a Heartland Presidential Forum – call CCI at 255-0800 to get free tickets. There is a movement to get residents actively involved in making decisions about their own neighborhood, leadership trainings are available. The HyVee on MLK is definitely closing. The plans for building the Churches United Shelter on Keo Way needs to be revisited. Attorney, Don Williams, asked if we want to pursue a lawsuit against Janice Cochrane. Janice holds the title to the property owned by the Neighborhood Association. The Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association will pursue legal action to clear our EIN #.
8.Sat Nov 3rd is Iowa Ms. Black Iowa Pageant at Grandview College. A motion was passed for Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association to place a quarter page advertisement in the Miss Black Iowa U.S.A. pageant booklet for $125.00.
9.New pastors were announced from St. Paul AME - Fred Gatty , and Bethel - Steve Perkins.
10.D. Carr adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jeanne Dobrzynski
Secretary, Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association


Wednesday, November 28th, 2007, Cheatom Park Meeting Minutes

Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association Meeting

Wednesday, November 28th, 2007, 6:00 pm,

United Way Conference Center

Attendance: Debra Carr (President), Jeanne Dobrzynski (Secretary), Don Curry (Vice President), Nina Koger (Treasurer), Sgt. Burnell Edwards (DMPD), Bob Reynolds (Neighborhood Inspector), Monica Ollie, Terry Wells, Susan Wells, Phyllis Simpson, Justin Hancock, Joe LeValley, Bates Carr, Pastor Gaddy.

1.D. Carr called the meeting to order. Introductions were made.
2.The minutes were reviewed and approved as corrected.
3.D. Carr reviewed the activities and changes that took place in Cheatom park, youth program, beautification, work on crime, and Joanna Cheatom Summerfest.
4.J. LeValley facilitated direction to fill Board of Directors positions, the nomination passed for the Board of Directors, including elected Cheatom Park officers, Joe LeValley, Justin Hancock, Terry Wells, Monica Ollie, Bates Carr, and Pastor Getty. Bates Carr made a motion to approve the slate for the Board of Directors, N. Koger seconded. Bates Carr and Pastor Gaddy will serve one year terms, the remaining board will serve two year terms. J. LeValley made a motion to nominate Debra Carr President and Jeanne Dobrzynski Secretary. The motion passes without opposition.
5.Introductions were made.
6.Treasury Report, N. Koger: Checking balance as of = $5870.58. DMACC paid dues of $250. The treasury report was approved without opposition. N. Koger would like to store treasury records at a central location.
7.D. Carr proposed that we adopt senior Cheatom Park Resident and neighborhood association member N. Dixon for Christmas and to not spend more than $300. The motion passed without opposition.
8.D. Carr provided a list of proposed administrative and neighborhood activities. She asked members to consider other activities to propose at the upcoming January 16 meeting.
9.T. Wells encouraged the association to actively pursue NFC designation and volunteered to look into helping the neighborhood achieve that designation.
10.D. Carr reported on the last city council meeting that the nearby Hy-Vee is relocating to Beaverdale. Hy-Vee has made a commitment to neighborhood leaders to determine what do to with the vacated space. D. Carr encouraged residents to attend the next city council meeting at 4.30 on Monday December 3rd, to discuss the impact of Hy-Vee’s decision on the neighborhood.
11.D. Carr also encouraged neighborhood residents to attend the Heartland Presidental Forum at Hy-Vee Hall on Saturday, December 1, 2007.
12.Police report – Sgt Burnell Edwards – 244 calls last month (from illegally parked cars to vandalism). B. Edwards asked neighbors to watch out for each other during the holidays; leave lights on when they’re gone; let the police know if you’re going out of town. Police are continuing to work on the prostitution/drug problems w/the apartments at 9th/University as well as 13th/I-235.
13.Neighborhood Inspector – New neighborhood inspector, Bill Holin. Bob Reynolds will be reassigned to River Bend Neighborhood effective January 2008.
14.D. Carr adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jeanne Dobrzynski
Secretary, Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association

Posted by cheatom on 09/19/2009
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