Wednesday, January 21, 2009 6:00pm,
Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association Meeting
United Way Conference Center
Attendance: Debra Carr, Don Curry, Nina Koger, Jeanne Dobrzynski, Michelle Carter-Clemmons , Terry Wells, Susan Wells, Sgt. Bernell Edwards, Val Weaver, George Dobrzynski, Joann Muldoon, Ben Ihde, Mary Lynn Jones, Jose Castellanos, Talya Obumseli, Iris Ward Cheatom, Robert Bevington,
--D. Carr called the meeting to order.
--J. Muldoon from King /Irving Neighborhood Association presented information on Polk County’s attempt to build a new interchange at I-35/I-80 on Morningstar Drive. This project would put approx 40,000 more cars a day on Euclid and MLK and would also disrupt preserved federal wetlands. There is an organized group of residents who are against the building of this interchange and they are requesting a letter of support from Cheatom Park for the No Build Alternative. Cheatom Park will discuss this and get back to the group.
--T. Wells – Making Connections is in the process of applying for a $1 million grant. They are in the process of restructuring. The new name may be Community of Support. There is a celebration for neighborhoods that have received grants from United Way on Tues, Jan 27th at United Way.
--There are several sites that are doing taxes for free. United Way and Corinthian Church are designated sites. There is recruitment going on for census jobs.
--D. Carr states a letter of support was sent to River Bend for the 6th Avenue Revitalization Project.
Update on Central Iowa Shelter and Services: There was a meeting in December with a reporter who took information from several residents. Several residents attended and spoke at the City Council Meeting. D. Carr talked with the businesses in the area surrounding the proposed shelter site, all but one were opposed. A radio show was done with --D. Carr, C. Jennison, and T. Vlassis. D. Carr attended the Planning and Zoning Meeting. The next City Council meeting addressing this issue is on January 26th. People from Cheatom Park need to be engaged and attend. D. Carr is requesting a list of things that need to be done in the neighborhood. She is also requesting every member gets five other residents from the neighborhood involved. There will be a meeting on the 28th at 7pm to plan a neighborhood strategy.
--D. Carr adjourned the meeting
Respectfully Submitted,
Jeanne Dobrzynski, Secretary, Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 6:00pm,
Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association Meeting
United Way Conference Center
Attendance: Don Curry, Nina Koger, Jeanne Dobrzynski, Michelle Carter-Clemmons , Terry Wells, Susan Wells, Sgt. Bernell Edwards, Val Weaver, Mary Lynn Jones, Talya Obumseli, Phyllis Simpson, Bates Carr, Eric (Channel 8), Greg Wells
--D. Curry called the meeting to order.
--Mike (neighborhood Inspector). Gave printout of statistics. Open properties, vehicle impounds. 1125 11th Street is Municipal Housing, with Empty lots, owned by city. Encouraged residents to clean up property as the snow melts.
--Sgt Edwards – 34 calls for the area. 6 assaults (4 from Mercy), 1 DPQ, 3 fights (juvenile, at 1016 University, 1201 Laurel), 1 gunshot (from Carpenter Neighborhood ). There are 4 open complaints on narcotics in the neighborhood. He encouraged residents to move their cars every 24 hours.
--The minutes were approved as corrected.
--B. Carr made a motion to pay $400.00 to KJMC for the paid advertisement. T. Obumseli seconded. The motion passed without opposition.
--D.Carr, I have collected $40 cash from residents regarding the cost of signs. The cost will be determined between Cheatom Park and River Bend. We will address at next meeting.
--Treasury report: N. Koger – Bal - $3651.05.
--D.Carr, *Discussion of Shelter Relocation: recapped what happened at the meeting with City Council. We plan to bring forth our case. – focus on Time Line. *Working on maps. There will be another meeting this Saturday at 1:00 pm, the Oakridge meeting is at 11:00 at the Variety Building at Homes of Oakridge. Mayor encouraged Public Safety and transportation. *We will continue to wear red, show up at 3:45 pm. 25 questions. The final reading is on March 9th. Voting on vacating the lot (second vote), 2 weeks vote again. *The shelter will get to submit their plans to P & Z, if approved, will vote on conveying the property. Affecting our part of the city in a disadvantaged way. There was extensive discussion about the strategy for the City Council Meeting.
--T. Obumseli states there will be a live forum at the Senior Center on March 5th.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jeanne Dobrzynski
Secretary, Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association
Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association Meeting
<none reported>
** April **
Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association Meeting
<none reported>
Wednesday, May 20th , 2009 6:00pm,
Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association Meeting
United Way Conference Center
Attendance: Bernel Edwards, Darren Cornwell (DMPD), Mike Lehman (Neighborhood Inspector), Susan Wells, Terry Wells, George Dobrzynski, Jeanne Dobrzynski (Secretary), Debra Carr (President).
-D. Curry called to meeting to order.
-Announcements by D. Carr: Mainstreet Project: 6th Avenue from 235 to the river. Historic preservation, streetscape, improve homes. Cheatom Park will have a representative on the advisory board. We have committed $500 over three years. There is a balance for the signs to River Bend for $400.
-Summer youth project is under way. Applicants had to be at or below poverty. Looking for a permanent after school program for youth in Cheatom Park.
-D. Carr received letter from property owner on Keo Way. Only one name was received, there are approx twelve other property owners.
-Check on neighborhood signs.
-Darren Cornwell. Crimes against persons from DMPD. His contact phone number is 283-4983.
-M. Lehman, Neighborhood Inspector, gave a three month report: Rental Inspections & Reinspections – 6, Abandoned Vehicles – 3; Clean Team – 3; Junk and Debris – 16; Open/Vacant properties – 8; Vehicle Impound – 1. There have been several windows broken out in Cheatom Park. Alter Recycling on East Euclid and Delaware is taking appliances for free. Call office in June for assistance at 283-4046. He will try to make it in July
-B. Edwards, 20 calls of interest, 4 assaults, 6 domestics, 6 DPQ, 0 burglaries. Need to check on the availability of the ShowMotion stage, unsure if city still owns it.
-T. Wells states the Resident Support Team is looking for residents to be on the board.
-The meeting was adjourned at 7:00pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeanne Dobrzynski
Secretary, Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association
Wednesday, June 17th, 2009 6:00pm,
Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association Meeting
United Way Conference Center
Attendance: Bernel Edwards, Jeanne Dobrzynski (Secretary), Debra Carr (President), Don Curry, Rev. Fred Gaddy, Brenda Bradley, Nina Koger (Treasurer), Anita Rafferty, Bert Rafferty.
--D. Carr called the meeting to order.
--Introductions were made.
--D. Carr discussed the funding issues surrounding the West Side Boxing Club, which is closing. The current program is supported by United Way and Urban Dreams. D. Carr spoke with Lt. Todd Dykstra who stated NBSD officers are going to be housed in that space. The police dept was going to create a youth center in the space. They are looking for funding to support the programming. The new center would not be targeted to the older adults who use the boxing club. The facility will close on June 30, 2009.
--United Way will allow Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association to use the conference center free of charge for neighborhood related meetings. They will have a representative on our board.
--Sgt Edwards – 41 calls of interest - Included: fight on 14th street, narcotics on 1100 block 12th Street with arrests made. Fight - 1100 block of 10th Street. Fight – 9th and University. 1100 block of Ascension. Gunshots at 10th and Enos – 6 fired, involved 4 door dark truck, no arrests made. There have been complaints about police showing up to criminal activity, including assaults, and not arresting people involved. There were complaints about speeding. Send emails to
--Announcements – * At the River Bend Neighborhood Meeting, there were candidates for City Council. There was a meeting yesterday for Main Street Iowa to discuss the revitalization of the 6th Avenue corridor. * The City has committed $10,000.00 per year for 3 years. * Cheatom Park has committed $500 to be given over 3 years.
* There were 90 homes that qualified for revitalization through Habitat for Humanity. We do not know at this time how many homes from Cheatom Park have been selected.
--DMACC will have representation at the Cheatom Park meetings, person to be announced.
--Cheatom Park residents are allowed to use the transfer station during any SCRUB day.
--The meeting was adjourned at 7:35.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jeanne Dobrzynski
Secretary, Cheatom Park Neighborhood Assocation
Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association Meeting
<none reported>
** August **
Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association Meeting
<none reported>
Wednesday, September 16th, 2009 6:00pm,
Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association Meeting
United Way Conference Center, Room F
Attendance: Debra Carr (President), Jeanne Dobrzynski (Secretary), Nina Koger (Treasurer), Bernell Edwards (DMPD), Mike Lehman (Neighborhood Inspector), Bates Carr, Terry Wells, Susan Wells.
Treasurer’s report: voice mail paid, Checking balance = $2645.98. Cheatom Park will pay $361.19 for the 6th Avenue meeting with River Bend. River Bend has sent Cheatom Park an invoice for $500.00 for our portion of the Main Street plan. River Bend has a meeting tonight with the Main Street program to organize the committees to work on the Main Street Project.
A motion was made by B. Carr to pay the $500.00 to River Bend for the Sixth Avenue Main Street project all at once. The motion was seconded by S. Wells. The motion was passed without opposition.
Police report – B. Edwards. 40 calls of interest, 3 vandalism (1200 University), prostitution (6th and University), Gun shots (12th and Enos, from a car), 12 domestics. October 1st at 5:30 pm at the Mickle Center, Gary Fox will have a meeting. He will address issues about street signs, MLK street project. There is a meeting for Neighborhood Associations on Sept 23 at the Police Academy from 9:00am – 1:00pm. They will discuss the NBSD service. The Neighborhood Resource Office is available to help with neighborhood association needs.
Neighborhood Inspector report - M. Lehman: 14th Street and 14th Place – will put in a request to check on junk and debris. 1050 and 1052 13th has been sold. Mike’s phone number is 283-4299 (office), 208-0291 (cell).
Alter Recycling on Euclid will take all appliances for free.
There will be elections for offices of President and Secretary at the November meeting.
D. Carr: NRB recommended some changes to our bylaws. There is a meeting coming up about the Top Value Building. A group of people will be a part of a meeting that will decide what goes in there. The anchor will be a work-force development facility.
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jeanne Dobrzynski
Secretary, Cheatom Park Neighborhood Asssociation
** NEW POST ** Wednesday, October 21th, 2009 6:00pm,
Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association Meeting
United Way Conference Center, Room F
Attendance: Don Curry (Vice President), Jeanne Dobrzynski (Secretary), Nina Koger (Treasurer), Bernell Edwards (DMPD), Ray Brown, Bates Carr, Terry Wells, Susan Wells.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeanne Dobrzynski
Wednesday, November 18th, 2009 6:00pm,
Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association Meeting
<none reported>
NEW POST ***** Wednesday, December 16th, 2009 6:00pm,
Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association Meeting
United Way Conference Center, Room F
Attendance: Debra Carr (President), Don Curry (Vice President), Jeanne Dobrzynski (Secretary), Nina Koger (Treasurer), Bernell Edwards (DMPD), Justin Hancock, Terry Wells, Susan Wells, Joe LeValley (Mercy), Phylis Simpson, Mike Lehman (City Inspector).
Respectfully Submitted,
Jeanne Dobrzynski