Cherry Ave Neighborhood Association

Welcome to CANA!

We are an association of neighbors that want to make our neighborhood a clean, safe and enjoyable environment for all people that live in our neighborhood.

You do not have to own your home to be part of or attend the Cherry Avenue Neighborhood Association meetings, if you live between Park Ave. and Tucson Blvd. and Irvington and Drexel (please see map) your are  More...


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Photos provided by Panoramio. Photos are under the copyright of their owners.

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FHA Refinance Loan Options and Guidelines
Fharefism There are two possible scenarios when considering an FHA refinance. Both of these scenarios are based on what kind of current loan you are trying to refinance. FHA Refinance First Step The first step in...

Discussions in Tucson

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serious dog bite

5/17/19. My wife was walking our 13 lb dog this morning when one of two loose dogs attacked our dog by the pocket park on 3rd St. The bigger dog had tags but we didn't capture it. It was a brown and... more
Started: May 17th 2019Replies: 0

Open House for Doolen-Fruitvale Neighbors

Did you know there's a Living Lab &Learning Center, showcasing environmentally-friendly practices here close to the Dollen-Fruitvale neighborhood?   I read your neighborhood newsletter - so... more
Started: March 27th 2018Replies: 0

Reading Seed Literacy Program

We are a literacy program for children in the first three grades in Pima County.  We do training workshops for volunteers to become "coaches" to children who are struggling with... more
Started: April 18th 2008Replies: 1
Resource Guide
California - The Golden State
MapcaliforniaThe discovery of gold and the immigration in 1849 of thousands of "forty-niners" came in search of the precious metal.
Addressing Gang Problems Through Strategic Planning
Stopgangs_thUsing strategic planning to deal with gang problems.
Medicare Supplement Changes for 2010
GalssmTwo new options have been added to Medicare Supplement plans while four have been eliminated. Offerings of some current plans h
Selecting A Pool Management Company
PoolThe selection of a certified and well trained pool management company is your first line of defense.


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