We in Chestnut Lake appreciate those who have volunteered to be block captains. These individuals are a vital link in communication around the neighborhood. Welcome to our new block captains!
There are currently several streets in Chestnut Lake that do not have block captains. Block captains are needed to distribute the CLNA newsletter, to welcome newcomers to the neighborhood, and to represent their streets in the association. If you are willing to give a little of your time to make our neighborhood a better place, please volunteer to serve as a block captain on one of our open streets by emailing Loretta Thomas at lthomas@carolina.rr.com. Here is a listing of our block captains by street:
Applewood Lane (15) - open
Beaufort Circle (17) - Helen Ellis (864) 884-0917
Birchbark Lane (18) - open
Blue Spruce Lane (10) - open
Bradley Court (11) - Frank Yoza (704) 531-0523
Cedar Tree Lane (21) - Bill Jones (704) 537-6197
Chestnut Lake Drive (34) - Phyllis Pickens (704) 568-2078
Elm Tree Lane (24) - open
Falconwood Court (21) - Molly Callis (704) 778-3541
Fire Tree Lane (5) - open
Grayling Court (17) - Barbara Sheehan (704) 496-4936
Hickory Hollow Lane (13) - Liz Woitkowski (704) 537-6463
Kenneth Lane (11) - Frank Yoza (704) 531-0523
Lea Wood Lane (7227 - 7424) (37) - Celeste Jernigan (704) 568-5935
Lea Wood Lane (7100 - 7222) (37) - Barbara Sheehan (704) 496-4936
Mossborough Court (14) - Alan Sloope (704) 568-4767
Palmetto Court (19) - Alan Sloope (704) 568-4767
Pirates Cove Court (20) - open
Rivergreen Lane (23) - open
Ropemaker Court (6) - open
Shadow Moss Court (11) - Bill Jones (704) 537-6197
Triton Court (10) - Bill Munford (704) 537-9362
Walnut Creek Lane (10) - Bill Munford (704) 537-9362
Walnut Wood Drive (7101 - 7233; 7144 - 7306) (25) - Ron & Anita Moten (704) 536-6007
Walnut Wood Drive (7305 - 7507; 7310 - 7504) (25) - Henry & Willie Mae Jones (704) 531-6877
Walnut Wood Drive (7515 - 7635; 7510 - 7636) (26) - Ron & Anita Moten (704) 536-6007
Walterboro Road (34) - open
The total number of homes in the Chestnut Lake community is over four hundred thirty-four. Several of our larger streets have two, three or four Block Captains to keep in contact with Chestnut Lake residents.