The Chestnut Lake Neighborhood Association is frequently asked to assist neighbors in understanding the importance of improving the appearance and safety of the Chestnut Lake neighborhood. The following information is a guide for residents to help make our neighborhood a better place to live for everyone.
Grass, Bushes, Trees and Leaves:
Grass needs to be mowed to be kept short. Overgrown grass and weeds in excess of twelve inches can be reported to the City of Charlotte. This is a city ordinance.
Bushes should be trimmed low around windows, doorways and homes to prevent hiding places for criminals. This is a safety issue and will also improve the appearance of your home.
Bushes should be cut back from curbs, sidewalks and street signs. Residents should be able to walk on sidewalks free of obstacles and see around corners when driving.
Trees and tree limbs are the responsibility of the homeowner. The city will not collect tree stumps or logs larger than four inches in diameter. Broken tree limbs should be cut to less than five feet in length and placed at the curb on collection day.
Leaves need to be picked up and recycled or put in leaf bags for collection. Bags filled with leaves should be kept at the back of the property and moved to the curb only on collection day. Leaves should not be blown or raked into the street or block storm drains.
Garbage, Bulky Items, Signs and Litter:
Garbage rollout containers should be moved to the curb no earlier than 6:00pm the night before collection. Rollout containers need to be removed from the curb by 7:00pm the day of collection.
Bulky items such as furniture, mattresses, carpet, lawn equipment, etc. require a special pick up. Please call the city Solid Waste Services for assistance.
Do not post yard sale signs or other signs on street poles, stop signs or light posts. Signs should be attached to a stake and placed at an appropriate location not obstructing a drivers view. Signs need to be removed immediately after event is done.
Do not litter, throw paper products or trash, including cigarette butts, along the streets or sidewalks. This is a problem at the main entrance and along the main roads in the neighborhood.
Speed Control, Parking and Cars:
The speed limit in Chestnut Lake is 25mph or less. Drive slow and watch out for children that are playing in the neighborhood.
Parking cars on lawns is not allowed. Please park cars in your driveway. Do not block other neighbors driveways or mailboxes.
Parking of large commercial trucks on the street overnight is not allowed. Overnight parking of small or medium commercial trucks must be in a driveway limited to one per home. This is a city ordinance.
Cars that are left on a street without a current tag or on private property without the owner's permission are determined to be abandoned. These cars will be removed by the city.
Cars that are inoperable and do not have a current license plate or inspection sticker are designated as junked. Owners may keep one "junked" car on their property provided it is covered by an acceptable car cover.
Animals - Dogs:
Dogs are not allowed to roam the neighborhood. Owners need to properly contain the dog within a house, fence or by leash. This is a city ordinance.
Owners who walk dogs through the neighborhood need to pick up after the animal. Carry a couple of plastic bags and dispose of waste in a trash bin. This is a city ordinance.
Dogs should not be allowed to cause a nuisance by uncontrolled barking either in the daytime or at night. Owners are required to correct the reason for nuisance barking. This is a city ordinance.
Any dogs left unattended, exposed to the elements, kept in unsanitary conditions, abused, dog fighting or threatening behavior will be removed from the owner by Animal Control.