Chevington Woods

Trustee Meeting Minutes 1/15/2007


January 15, 2006

Meeting site: Violet Twp Offices, 12970 Rustic Drive, Pickerington, OH 43147

President Comanita called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

The President ascertained the presence of a quorum with twelve (12) trustees in attendance:

Carol Comanita, President
Don Roeder, VP
Jim Murphy, Treasurer
Will Snell, Secretary
Julie Squier, Trustee
Greg Fown, Trustee
Lora Stevenson, Trustee
Teresa Hartley, Trustee
Lisa Ross, Trustee
Mike Ryan, Trustee
Pat Mahan, Trustee
Sandy Boden, Trustee

Residents in attendance: * Some Plaintiff residents refused to sign in so accuracy cannot be assured.

Jan Mahan
Mary Ann Murphy
Clark & Estalene Newell
Gina Stacy
Bob Stevenson
Gene Bednarski
Harlene Eggleston
Barbara Deihl
Melissa Lipchak, Esq.
Dick & Lisa Moore
Alex Manukian
Jim Vohwinkel
Richard & Merri Biggs
Tom Besser

*All residents are asked to sign an attendance sheet upon entering the meeting room.

President Comanita then read the following statement to the Trustees and residents assembled:

“This is a meeting of the CWCA Trustees and only the Trustees will be recognized or heard during the business portion of the meeting. Resident participation is on the Agenda and residents will be allowed to speak and/or ask questions during that portion of the meeting. However, should an attendee at this meeting become unruly or refuse to follow the directions of the chair, the Fairfield County Sheriff’s department will be contacted and asked to take such action as they deem appropriate to maintain law and order.

It is a matter of public record that there has been a lawsuit filed by resident/attorney Melissa Lipchak representing the owners of 22 lots out of a total of 390 lot owners in Chevington Woods and two hearings have been held in connection therewith at the Court of Common Pleas in Lancaster, Ohio. However, that case will not be tried in the court of public opinion during this meeting. All questions and communications in regard to the lawsuit should be between counsel for the plaintiffs and counsel for the defense. It is noted, that all filings and rulings in regard to this matter are on file and available for inspection at the Fairfield County Courthouse in Lancaster or can be accessed via the Fairfield County Web Site. As a matter of information, lead counsel for the defense is currently:

Joshua R. Bills, Esquire
Lane, Alton & Horst LLC
175 South Third Street, Suite 700
Columbus, Ohio 43215”

Reading of the minutes:

The Chair noted the minutes of the October 16, 2006 regular meeting had been previously distributed via email to the trustees and advised, that if there were no objections, the minutes could be approved as distributed. Thereafter, Trustee Squier moved the minutes be approved as previously distributed. The motion was duly seconded and passed without dissent.

Correspondence: Trustee Squier noted a card received from Randy & Sharon Miller thanking the CWCA for the Seasonal Award for 2006 in the South. She also noted that Sherry Hayes/Andy Proulx had received the award in the North.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Murphy presented his report, which is made a part of these minutes by reference.

Election of Officers: President Comanita called for the election of officers following the election of new Trustees at the December 2006 membership meeting.

The Chair then called for nominations for President.

Carol Comanita was nominated for President. After calling for additional nominations and hearing none, the Chair declared the nominations closed.

The Chair then called for nominations for Vice President. Don Roeder was nominated for Vice President. After calling for additional nominations and hearing none, the Chair declared the nominations closed.

The Chair then called for nominations for Treasurer. Jim Murphy was nominated for Treasurer. After calling for additional nominations and hearing none, the Chair declared the nominations closed.

The Chair then called for nominations for Secretary. Will Snell was nominated for Secretary. After calling for additional nominations and hearing none, the Chair declared nominations closed.

Thereafter, Trustee Snell moved that since there was no opposition for any office to be elected that the nominees be elected by acclamation. The motion was duly seconded and passed without dissent.

Reports of Standing Committees:

Deed Restriction Committee: Secretary Snell reported that many driveway/yard lights were being installed or repaired. However, the winter weather had hampered further work until spring and it would be necessary to review the deed restriction violations cited to determine compliance after weather conditions improve for this type of work to continue.

Unfinished business: Ashley Creek tennis court situation – Trustee Snell noted that no response had been received from Violet Township since the CWCA was advised the Township was turning the matter over to their attorney for review.

New Business: Trustee Snell moved that the CWCA Board of Trustees does hereby affirm that all actions taken by the Board of Trustees from June of 2003 through December 2006 were proper and the Board of Trustees does hereby approve
all such actions. The motion was duly seconded and passed without dissent.

Trustee Snell moved that the officers of the CWCA recognize the legal costs
for the Trustees named as defendants in the case entitled Ted Stacy, et al
v. Will Snell, et al will be significant. Accordingly, the officers of the CWCA
should review present and projected costs forced upon the CWCA via the
action of the plaintiffs and report at the next meeting if a dues increase or
assessment is needed to keep the Association solvent. Also, the motion
includes that this matter be noted in the first quarter Newsletter to keep all
members of the Association informed. The motion was duly seconded and passed without dissent.

North Reserve Clean Up Day – It was the consensus of opinion among the Trustees assembled that the North Reserve clean up day should be scheduled for Saturday, May 5, 2007. Notice to the residents will be included in the next CWCA Newsletter.

Annual Chevington Woods Easter Egg Hunt – It was the consensus of opinion among the Trustees assembled that, as is traditional, the Easter Egg Hunt should be held on Saturday, April 7, 2007 which is the Saturday before Easter Sunday. Notice of this annual children’s event will also be included in the CWCA Newsletter.

Resident Participation: Resident Estalene Newell rose to inquire who are the
CWCA Trustees? Thereafter, each Trustee identified him/her self and Area of
Representation. She also inquired about the election of officers and why community
input was not solicited. It was explained that the officers are elected only by the
incoming Trustees pursuant to the Bylaws of the Association. Mrs. Newell stated
that she had been attending meetings since 1998 and had never seen so many
Trustees at a meeting. She thanked all of the Trustees present for attending.

The Chair then called two more times for additional resident participation. Hearing
none, Trustee Snell moved to adjourn. The motion was duly seconded and passed
without dissent.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Will Snell, Secretary

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