Chevington Woods

Trustee Meeting Minutes 05/15/06


May 15, 2006

Meeting site: Violet Twp Offices, 12970 Rustic Drive, Pickerington, OH 43147

President Comanita called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.

The President ascertained the presence of a quorum with eight (8) trustees in attendance:

Carol Comanita, President
Mark Briggs, Treasurer
Will Snell, Secretary
Teresa Hartley, Trustee
Jim Murphy, Trustee
Lisa Ross, Trustee
Julie Squier, Trustee
Lora Stevenson, Trustee

Residents in attendance:

Gina Stacy
Tom & Linda Besser
Mary Ann Murphy
Clark & Estalene Newell

Reading of the minutes:

The Chair noted the minutes of the April 17, 2006 regular meeting had been previously distributed via email to the trustees and advised, that if there were no objections, the minutes could be approved as distributed. Thereafter, Trustee Briggs moved the minutes be approved as previously distributed. The motion was duly seconded and passed without dissent.

Correspondence and Resident Participation:

Correspondence: Secretary Snell noted that he had received an email response from Ed Caldwell at HER Realtors acknowledging the receipt of an email from the CWCA in regard to advising potential buyers of deed restrictions and CWCA membership requirements.

Minutes of CWCA Trustees Meeting – 5-15-06 – Page 2

President Comanita noted that she had received a note from resident Ed Patsch along with a check for $25.00 to be applied as a donation for entrance flowers again this year. The President expressed appreciation to Mr. Patsch for his thoughtfulness. Entrance Chairperson Julie Squier also expressed her appreciation for his donation.

Treasurer Briggs noted that a resident had inadvertently send a Pool dues check to
the CWCA and vice versa but that matter had been resolved to the satisfaction of
all concerned. He also noted there had been an error in the mailing of an invoice to
Mr. & Mrs. Newell but that would be corrected shortly.

Resident Participation: Gina Stacy inquired how the President made a unilateral
decision to appoint residents to fill Trustee vacancies. The President explained that
she did not make such appointments unilaterally but with the input and approval
of the Trustees. When Mrs. Stacy challenged that statement the Secretary stated
that as keeper of the records he would be happy to furnish Mrs. Stacy copies of the
emails sent to each Trustee in regard to the appointment of residents Lora
Stevenson (Area 14) and Jim Murphy (Area 5) and the unanimous approval of the
Trustees via emails which were time stamped and date stamped showing when the
approvals were received. Mrs. Stacy declined the offer.

Resident Estalene Newell inquired how the Trustees represented the residents and
if the residents voted upon issues before the Trustees. It was explained that, like
government at the local, state and national level, the representatives voted on
issues based upon input from the residents they represented. However, on occasion
there were referendum items, such as the current deed restriction enforcement poll,
that welcomed all residents to formally voice their position on a particular issue.

Treasurer’s Report:

Treasurer Briggs presented the Treasurer’s report and entertained questions from the Trustees and residents assembled. A written copy of the report is made a part of these minutes by reference.

In response to questions from the floor the Treasurer reported that responses to the deed restriction enforcement poll to date were 155 (yes) and 60 (no) with 27 not voting. He also reported the playground equipment had not been shipped as of this date but should be received soon.

The Treasurer also reported as of this meeting date that 242 residents had paid their 2006 dues.

Minutes of CWCA Trustees Meeting – 5-15-06 – Page 3

Committee Reports:

Nominating Committee: Chairperson Lisa Ross presented her report as follows:

“Report of the nominating committee 5/15/06

Dear Secretary Snell,

The following is the report of the nominating committee as of 5/15/06.

To date the following trustee candidates are confirmed for the ballot:

Area 1 - Teresa Hartley
Area 2 - Juliet Squier
Area 3 - no candidate at this time
Area 4- Lisa Ross
Area 5 - Jim Murphy
Area 6- Mark Briggs
Area 7- no candidate at this time
Area 8 - Mike Ryan
Area 9- No candidate at this time
Area 10- Don Roeder
Area 11 - Will Snell
Area 12 - Carol Comanita
Area 13 - No candidate at this time
Area 14- Lora Stevenson
Gina Stacy
Area 15 - No candidate at this time

We recommend that the unopposed candidates be duly approved by the trustees and an election for area 14 be conducted. We formally closed all trustee nominations on 5/12/06 as announced in the CWCA Newsletter which was mailed to each residence.

Thank you,

Lisa Ross”

Following the presentation of the report Chairperson Ross moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Trustee Snell and passed without dissent.

Trustee Snell then stated that to save the CWCA the expense in regard to mailing ballots to those areas where there was no opposition, he moved that the unopposed candidates are elected by acclamation and ballots be prepared for Area 14 in accordance with the CWCA Bylaws for a called meeting of the membership to elect a Trustee for that Area.

Minutes of CWCA Trustees Meeting – 5-15-06 – Page 4

The motion was duly seconded and passed without dissent.

Unfinished Business:

President Comanita reported that resident Rocco Sabatino had meant to address the Trustees and residents assembled but a scheduling conflict had prevented him from attending. She the passed along some information about the continuing controversy over the Refugee Road and Pickerington Road rezoning application (Wal-Mart) and advised the issue was still an item of concern in the community.

New Business:

Trustee Snell reported on his efforts to get the streetlight burning again at the corner of Carriage Lane and Copperfield Lane. He noted that he had been in communication with the listing realtor but the lot owner had moved out of state. It was noted that if the owner does not supply electrical power to the streetlight that there is nothing he can do to get the light burning. He also noted the realtor complained of several unpleasant calls from neighbors in the area about the high grass in the lawn but it is the owner’s responsibility. Resident Tom Besser who lives on Indian Mound, two blocks away, volunteered to mow the grass.

President Comanita reported that she had volunteered and was in the process of mowing the high weeds with a weed eater on the east side of Eastway Drive when a truck with Ebright Landscaping (or lawn service) stopped to help. The young man grabbed a weed eater off the truck and helped her finish the job. Hats off to Ebright for being a good vendor and donating some time and effort to help us keep our community looking good. It is also noted the swale on the east side of Eastway is Township right of way, the resident who lives there is elderly and the home is not part of the Chevington Woods Subdivision.

The Chair then called for any other business to come before the Trustees assembled. Hearing none, the Chair recognized a motion from Trustee Briggs to adjourn. The motion was duly seconded and passed without dissent. Meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Will Snell, Secretary

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