Chevington Woods

Trustee meeting minutes 6/21/04


June 21, 2004

Vice President Briggs called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.

The presiding officer ascertained the presence of a quorum with five (5) trustees in attendance:

Mark Briggs, Vice President
Will Snell, Secretary
Julie Squier
Janet Price
Teresa Hartley

The Chair noted that President Comanita was absent for just cause and welcomed Chevington Woods resident Pat Canini to the meeting.

Reading of the minutes: The Chair noted the minutes of the May 17, 2004 regular meeting had been previously distributed via email to the trustees and advised, that if there were no objections, the minutes could be approved as distributed. Trustee Hartley moved to waive the reading of the minutes; the motion was duly seconded and passed without dissent.

Treasurer’s Report: It was noted Treasurer Roeder and his wife were on vacation in Europe and therefore no Treasurer’s Report was presented

Reports of Standing Committees:

Deed Restriction Committee:

Trustees Briggs and Snell reported on the May 27, 2004 meeting the Deed Restriction Committee had with counsel LaBuhn and Rankin. It was noted the Committee was preparing a list of deed restriction violations to share with counsel and, in turn, counsel was sharing some language for the Committee to consider in the proposed revisions to the deed restrictions applicable to Chevington Woods. It was also noted that Bylaw revisions must go hand in hand with deed restrictions and the Bylaw Committee will be working closely with the Deed Restriction Committee. It was noted the Committees were moving forward with caution but with due speed to ensure a resolution of the issues could be presented to the residents for a vote in a timely manner.

Yard of the Month Committee

Chairperson Squier reported on the progress the committee was making in regard to obtaining flags for the North and South winners each month. The Yard of the Month Flags are now ready and North and South winners will be awarded in July.

Unfinished Business:

Mowing of North Reserve – Once again the Trustees discussed the need to obtain a reasonable and reliable service for the mowing of the North Reserve. Trustee Snell reported that three bids were on the table. The current bid from Ballingers at $50.00 per mowing, Jay Garrett @ $50.00 per mowing and trimming as needed and Johnson’s Premium Lawn Care @ $75.00 per mowing and trimming as needed.

After considerable discussion in regard to the mowing of CWCA properties in the past, Trustee Hartley moved that the CWCA authorize Jay Garrett to mow and trim the North Reserve at the quoted price of $50.00 as needed. The motion was duly seconded and passed without dissent. Trustee Snell was instructed to contact Mr. Garrett and have him begin service effective July 1, 2004 and President Comanita was authorized to advise Ballingers that their services would be terminated effective July 12, 2004.

Thereafter, Trustee Hartley informed the Trustees that her son, Ross, was applying for a scholarship and community service was a part of the process. Accordingly, Ross has volunteered to maintain the North Reserve Cemetery at no charge as a community service. The Trustees discussed the matter and it was the consensus of opinion that Ross Hartley’s offer was one the CWCA could not refuse.

Accordingly, Trustee Snell moved that Ross Hartley be designated at the Cemetery Caretaker Pro Tem at no charge to the CWCA and, further, that Trustee Briggs be authorized to negotiate with the Davey Tree Company to trim the trees at the Cemetery as necessary to get enough sunlight into the Cemetery to support the growing of shade grass in lieu of the weeds and brush that are currently present. The motion passed without dissent. It was further noted that the Trustees would volunteer time and effort as necessary to make the Cemetery a resting place that is aesthetically pleasing and appropriately honors our Pickering family founders.

New Business:

Chairman Briggs introduced resident Pat Canini who wished to address the Trustees. Mr. Canini spoke to the Trustees in regard to his opposition to the “Home Rule” issue currently being considered by the Violet Township Trustees. There was a long discussion following his remarks. Eventually, it was the consensus of opinion that the CWCA did not have sufficient information to take a position on the issue at present but each Trustee should follow the continuing debate as it evolved in the Violet Township community and the matter would be considered at future meetings as it evolved.

Following discussion of matters of general interest, presiding officer Briggs called for any other business to come before the Trustees. Hearing none, presiding officer Briggs noted that he would entertain a motion to adjourn. Trustee Hartley so moved, the motion was duly seconded and passed without dissent. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Will Snell, Secretary

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