Chevington Woods

Code of Regulations Constitution and Bylaws of CWCA

copied from original with OCR Software

Because this is a copy utilizing OCR software, errors and typos may be a part of this reproduction. The Civic Association Trustees are now considering changes to the bylaws to more closely match the deed restictions direction in relation to the CWCA. There are many parameters of the deed restrictions which directly format the authority and nature of such of the CWCA that apply legally in addition to the bylaws. Those parameters are being reviewed for inclusion in bylaw modification.

Chevington Woods Civic Association

Constitution and Bylaws


Name and Purpose

Section 1 The name of the organization shall be the Chevington Woods Civic Association., Inc.

Section 2 The purpose of the organization shall be to encourage and
promote the general welfare of the community.



Section 1 Membership in this association is assumed by the land owner(s) of each improved lot in Chevington Woods Subdivision. Improved lot defines a lot on which has been constructed a single family residence.

Section 2 Associate membership in this association is granted to the land owner(s) of each unimproved lot in Chevington Woods Subdivision agreeing to be bound by the regulations of the Association and to pay dues as herein specified.

Section 3 Associate membership may be granted to individuals not qualifying under Sections One (1) or Two (2) above by approval of the Board of Trustees.

Section 4 Ownership of more than one (1) improved or unimproved lot in Chevington Woods Subdivision by any individual, group, family, partnership, company, association or corporation does not convey the rights, privileges or obligations of more than one (1) membership.

Section 5 The right to hold office in this association as either an officer or member of the Board of Trustees is restricted to residents of Chevington Woods Subdivision who are members in good standing of this association.

Section 6 The right to vote at general meetings in restricted to members and associate members in good standing qualifying under Section 1, Section 2, Section 3 and Section 4. The vote may be exercised by either husband, wife or individual delegated by land owner (s).

Section 7 Members may vote absentee by tendering their ballot in a sealed envelope to the association secretary or his designate prior to the close of voting.

Section 8 Each membership extended to an individual group, family, partnership, company, association or corporation under Section 1, 2 or 3 of this Article shall have but one vote.


Section 1 Dues as determined by a vote of a majority of Trustees and Officers in attendance at the first meeting of the new administration in June shall be assessed each membership as classified in Article II, Section 1.

Section 2 Dues in the amount of $2.00 per year shall be assessed each associate membership as classified in Article II, Section 2.

Section 3 Associate memberships as classified in Article II, Section 3 shall be assessed dues under Article III, Section 1.

Section 4 Dues shall become payable on or before June 1 of the dues year. New memberships received during the first six months will be assessed dues for the full year. New memberships received during the last six months will be assessed one half year's dues.

Section 5 Memberships delinquent in payment of dues shall not be considered in good standing.

Section 6 To become reinstated as a member in good standing, dues assessed for the current year plus all back dues, unless said back dues are waivered by the Board of Trustees shall be paid in full. This shall not apply to inactive members paying dues for the first time or to associate members becoming full members.

Section 7 The Board of Trustees shall have the power to appeal to the association membership for special dues assessments in the event of emergency conditions requiring expenditure of funds not available in the association treasury.


Section 1 All authority to manage the affairs of and to conduct the business of this association shall be vested in a Board of Trustees consisting of at least one (1) from each area.

Section 2 All Trustees shall be elected by the general association membership to serve two (2) year terms. For the first election, two Trustees shall be elected to serve three year terms and two Trustees shall be elected to serve two year terms and two Trustees shall be elected to serve one year terms. In subsequent years, Trustees shall be elected to serve three year terms to fill the positions of Trustees leaving office.

Section 3 All officers serving this association shall be members of the Board of Trustees, be elected by said Trustees, and shall serve as officers of the Board of Trustees and of the association for a term of one year. Association officers shall include a president, vice president, a secretary and a treasurer. One individual may serve in the combined office of secretary and treasurer.

Section 4 The Board of Trustees shall have the authority, at the direction of the president, to create from its membership or from the association membership at large such standing committees and temporary committees as are necessary for the orderly conduct of the business of the association.

Section 5 The Board of Trustees shall have full authority to do all things necessary to keep the association in an operating condition, including, but not limited to, the formulating and passing of resolutions deemed necessary to promote civic improvement and voice the views of the association, the conduct of fund raising activities in the interest of the community, the employment of counsel, and the expending of the funds of the association as in their judgement is necessary and proper.

Section 6 All actions taken by the Board of Trustees shall be considered as final and binding on the association membership at large subject to the right of petition within 30 days as specified in Article X, Section 3.


Section 1 A general meeting of the association shall be held once each year during the last quarter of the year. This meeting shall be known as the annual meeting.

Section 2 Additional general meetings of the association may be called by resolution of the Board of Trustees or by petition to the Board by 200 of the full voting membership of the association.

Section 3 The Board of Trustees shall meet a minimum of one time during each quarter of each year.

Section 4 Additional meetings of the Board of Trustees may be called by the president or by petition of any three Trustees.

Section 5 All members present either in person or by proxy shall constitute a quorum for conducting business at a general meeting of the association.

Section 6 Unless specified otherwise, four Trustees shall constitute a quorum for conducting business at a meeting of the Board of Trustees.

Section 7 Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of business at all meetings of the association and/or the Board of Trustees except as herein provided.

Section 8 Written notice of the annual meeting and all special meetings of the association shall be made by publishing a notice in the association newsletter at least 10 days prior to the meeting date.


Election of Trustees and Officers
Section 1 Each year the president shall appoint a nominating committee consisting of not less than three association members,

Section 2 The nominating committee shall be responsible for selecting a slate of candidates of at least one but not more than three to fill each pending vacancy on the Board of Trustees, The nominating committee shall be responsible to insure the selected candidates will meet the requirements for serving as Trustees and officers of this association. The slate of candidates shall be submitted to the Board of Trustees In time to allow preparation of ballots to be included with the written notice of the annual meeting of the association.

Section 3 Voting for the Trustees shall take place at the annual meeting, Ballots may be cast by all voting members attending the annual meeting or by proxy. To cast a proxy ballot, it must be returned to the association secretary prior to the close of voting at the annual meeting in a sealed envelope signed on the outside by the voting member. Proxy ballots shall be opened and counted along with the ballots cast at the annual meeting.

Section 4 At the first meeting following the annual meeting of the association the Board of Trustees shall conduct an election for new association officers. The current president shall preside over the election,

Section 5 Nothing herein shall restrict any Trustee or Officer from serving continuous successive terms provided that he remains qualified and is duly elected.

Section 6 Vacancies on the Board of Trustees by reason of resignation, death, or expulsion shall be filled by appointment of the president with a confirming vote of two thirds of the remaining board members.


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Section 6 The president shall not vote on continued confirmation of said appointment. If a vacancy occurs in the presidency, the vicepresident shall assume the presidency and appoint a replacement Trustee with a confirming vote of two thirds of the remaining board members. The vacant vice presidency thus created and vacancies occurring in any other office shall be filled by a special election presided at by the president.

Section 7 An Officer of Trustee of this association may be removed from office by resolution of the Board adopted by two thirds of its members or by a petition signed by 510 of the full voting membership of the association.


Duties of the Board of Trustees
Section 1 The duties of the Board of Trustees shall include, but are not limited to, such activities as are required to maintain the association in a sound financial condition, to engage in necessary fund raising activities for the maintenance and development of the association, and to develop policies within the community to assist its advancement.

Section 2 Board of Trustees shall maintain an accurate list of association members and the status of each.

Section 3 The Board of Trustees shall publish a minimum of four newsletters each year to be distributed to all members.


Duties of Officers
Section 1 President: The president shall preside at all meetings of the members and trustees and have the general supervision over the business and affairs of the association, and such officer shall be chief executive of the association. He shall approve all orders directing the disbursements of funds and shall make an annual report covering the business of the association for the year and recommendations for the ensuing year. He shall act as Chairman of the Board of Trustees and he shall perform all duties imposed upon him or as directed by the Board of Trustees and such other duties as may be from time to time required of him by either the members of the association or the Board of Trustees.

Section 2 Vice President: The vice president shall assume and discharge the duties of the office or president in the absence of or disability of the president, or when called upon by the president to perform said duties. In case both president and vice president are absent or unable to perform their duties the members of the Board of Trustees as the case may be may appoint a president pro tempore.

Section 3 Secretary: The secretary shall keep minutes of all proceedings of the members all proceeding of this association and the proceedings of the Board of Trustees of this association and make a proper record of the same which shall be attested by him. He shall keep such other books as may be required by the Board of Trustees; shall issue and attest all certificates of membership; shall be custodian of all records, documents and the seal of the association, He shall attend to the giving and serving of all notices required by these regulations or the Board of Trustees and shall perform such other duties as are incident to his office or are properly required of him by the Trustees.


Duties of officers
Section 4 Treasurer: The treasurer shall have charge of all finances and see that they are safely deposited in some local bank approved by the Board of Trustees and shall report at each meeting of the Board of Trustees and the meetings of the association the condition of the finances of the association with such recommendations as he may deem necessary for raising funds with which to carry on the activities of the association. He shall, at the direction of the president, sign all checks.


Section 1 This code of regulations may be amended at any general meeting of the association by a two thirds majority vote of the members voting either in person or by proxy.

Section 2 All proposed amendments shall be submitted in writing to the voting membership by mail postmarked a minimum of thirty days prior to the general meeting at which voting is to take place. To cast a proxy ballot, it must be returned to the association secretary prior to the close of voting at the general meeting in a sealed envelope signed on the outside by the voting member.


Section 1 Nothing herein shall restrict the right of the membership of this association or any classification of said membership from nominating and/or appointing committees to investigates consult with or negotiate with the Board of Trustees upon matters of interest to the membership. However nothing herein shall be construed as giving any such committee the authority to decide on or dictate to the Board of Trustees in the management of the affairs of this association.

Section 2 Nothing herein shall restrict the right of any member from voting on any matter at any general meeting of the association either in person or by proxy. To cast a proxy votes it must be returned to the association secretary prior to the close of voting on the issue in a sealed envelope signed on the outside by the voting member.

Section 3 Nothing herein shall restrict the right of the general association membership to petition against specific actions of the Board of Trustees. Such a petition will require the specific Issue to be voted on by the general membership. Such petitions must be in writing signed by a minimum of 250 of the voting membership and submitted to the Board of Trustees within thirty days of passage of the specific action in question.

Section 4 This organization shall not endorse or encourage endorsement of persons engaged in city, states or national politics, nor shall the monies of the treasury be used in any manner or form for such political endeavors.

Section 5 This organization shall not allow the monies in the treasury to be spent for anything other than for the specific purpose of benefitting the members of the organization.

Section 6 This Constitution and By Laws shall become effective upon a majority vote of the membership and after receipt and certification of the Articles of Incorporation by the Secretary of State.

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