Chimney Lakes Owners Association special board of directors meeting, September 13, 2001, CLOA recreation building
Board of directors - David Rix - president; Karen Cramer - vice-president; Jeff Schmidt; Ron Crosby
Guests: April Rix, Marge Allen, Leigh Ann Fulford, Mike Daliberti, Mike Dannelly, Mark Beauchamp, Vaughn Winfred.
Meeting called to order at 6:43 p.m.
First order of business:
Ethics agreement
David Rix read the amended section of the ethics agreement
Board members present signed the agreement
1. A motion was made by Jeff Schmidt to remove Ed Pauley as parliamentarian. Seconded by Ron Crosby. Passed unanimously.
2: Ron Crosby made a motion to research the cost of employing a sergeant of arms to enforce the rules and regulations adopted by this board and to insure that proper and efficient meetings be conducted by the residents and the board of directors. The cost is to be provided in the 2002 annual budget. Seconded by Karen Cramer. Passed unanimously.
3. A motion was made by Jeff Schmidt to adopt the code of conduct for resident. Seconded by Karen Cramer. Motion passed unanimously.
4. Motion was made by Jeff Schmidt to adopt the resident request form. Seconded by Karen Cramer. Motion passed unanimously.
5. Motion was made by Jeff Schmidt that the board researches the cost of hiring a professional CPA to act as treasurer for the association. Seconded by Karen Cramer. Vote as follows: Ron Crosby, no; David Rix, yes; Jeff Schmidt, yes; Karen Cramer, yes. Motion carried.
6. Motion was made by Ron Crosby to adopt the position description for the maintenance man. Seconded by Jeff Schmidt. Motion passed unanimously.
7. Inasmuch as state law allows under section 720.306(8) for.. Any parcel owner to tape record or videotape meetings of the board of directors and the meetings of the members. And inasmuch as said law also allows the board of directors of the association to adopt reasonable rules governing the taping of the board and membership, this board resolves this day to enact the following governing rules:
8. Motion made by Ron Crosby. The association will install recording devices to tape the board room meetings, and provide any members of the association upon request a copy of said video or recording when member in good standing, in writing request this and the copy shall be provided within ten days of request. The cost would be that of the tape itself and fair labor to the property manager for services provided. Seconded by Karen Cramer. Passed unanimously.
9. Motion made by Ron Crosby to research the cost of video equipment and WEBcasting for the board meetings. Seconded by Karen Cramer. Motion passed unanimously.
10. Motion made by Ron Crosby: All outside cameras be banned from use in the board room as a result of the problems which have occurred in the past and the intimidation and harassment that has resulted. Outside cameras would be banned from regular, special, annual meeting and elections. Seconded by Jeff Schmidt. Motion passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, minutes recorded by Jeff Schmidt, transcribed by Betty Johnston.