June 28, 2001, 6:30 p.m.
Chimney Lakes Owners Association, board of directors meeting,
CLOA recreation building.
Attendees, board of directors:
Ron Crosby, president; David Rix, vice-president; Gene Halbert, treasurer; Rayvon Strickland, secretary; Karen Cramer; Jeff Schmidt.
Guests: Julie Jacobs, Detective Gary Peacock, April Rix, Mrs. Cromier, Marge Allen, Leigh Ann Fulford, Bill Lewis, Ken Broughton, Mike Daliberti, Paula Franklin.
Property manager: Betty Johnston (arrived during resident forum) Recorder: Shelly Broughton
1. President Ron Crosby called meeting to order.
2. First order of business was residents forum.
3. Ms. Julie Jacobs, a resident of Chimney Lakes, discussed the issues of the new sports bar Hat Trix, opening up in the Argyle shopping center. Ms. Jacobs mentioned that there will be a hearing on July 12th at city hall.
4. David Rix introduced Detective Gary Peacock of the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office to discuss the issues of security concerns at the recreation center. Detective Peacock discussed the advantages of having an off-duty
officer on the Chimney Lakes property during evening hours.
5. Paula Franklin discussed issues such as landscaping, yard violations, and the maintenance of the common areas. Paula also requested that the common areas across from Sugar Tree
and Moss Pointe be properly maintained. Mrs. Cromier addressed the board about having more deed restricted signs put around the twin lakes.
6. The minutes from May 28th were read.
7. Rayvon Strickland made a motion to accept these minutes as read.
8. Seconded by Karen Cramer.
9. Motion carried unanimously.
10. The special meeting minutes were read.
11: Gene Halbert made a motion to accept these minutes as read.
12. Seconded by Karen Cramer.
13. Motion carried unanimously.
14. Recreation committee:
15. Karen Cramer indicated that the Hi Neighbor Party will be held August 18th 2001 from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. Ron Crosby suggested a dunking booth. Karen Cramer advised that the recreation budget was $1,532.13 under budget.
16. ARB committee:
17. Jeff Schmidt indicated that he had nothing to report at this time.
18. Gene Halbert presented the treasures [sic] Report.
(Read a prepared letter concerning the ongoing audit suggesting a moratorium on spending, and on convening the
finance committee.) A copy of the treasures letter attached.
19. The chair stated the suggestions in the letter would be taken up as new business.
20. Rayvon Strickland made a motion to accept the treasures report as read.
21. David Rix seconded the motion.
22. Motion carried unanimously.
23. Discussion on the new soccer fence resulted in Jeff Schmidt researching the cost of the fence.
24. Painting of the building was put off until after the audit.
25. Home and away games were put off until after the audit.
Meeting was adjourned for five minutes. Meeting reconvened.
New business:
26. Jeff Schmidt made a motion to have January 2001 through May 2001 reviewed also by Ralston Company at a cost not to exceed $1200.
27. David Rix seconded the motion.
28. Motion carried unanimously.
29. David Rix made a motion to have a moratorium on usual spending. Anything outside of budget must be brought to the treasurer's attention; the treasurer will bring the cost to
the board for board approval.
30. Jeff Schmidt seconded the motion.
31. Motion carried unanimously.
32. Jeff Schmidt made a motion to suspend the finance committee until the audit is completed.
33. Karen Cramer seconded the motion.
34. Motion carried unanimously.
35. The cost of the swings to be repaired was discussed at length. A motion was made by David Rix for the property manager to research the availability of funds and then a poll
of the board or a vote next month will be made to purchase the swings.
35. Karen Cramer seconded the motion.
36. Motion carried unanimously.
37. Karen Cramer made a motion to have Ashley Dannelly offer Aqua Aerobics. Ashley explained she would like to offer a class for Aqua Aerobics it would be for one month, 3 days per
week with a $30 charge. With 10 percent of that fee payable to Chimney Lakes. Ashley stated she did not have liability insurance.
38. David Rix seconded the motion. After discussion motion failed.
39. David Rix made a motion for Ashley to research insurance and re-address the board at a later date.
40. Jeff Schmidt seconded the motion.
41. Motion carried unanimously.
42. Under new business the property manager was task to proceed with boards previous directive and approve paying the cost of insurance for each full-time employee, as this cost was computed in the 2001 budget.
42. Property managers report: The property manager read a prepared report in response to the review letter submitted to her by the board.
43. David Rix made a motion to accept as read.
44. Karen Cramer seconded the motion.
45. Motion carried unanimously.
46. David Rix made a motion to have Betty Johnston move back to Rimsco office where she has full use of her staff.
47. Gene Halbert seconded the motion.
48. Motion carried.
49. David Rix made a motion to suspend the practice of any board member having a proxy stand in for them when receiving board packages or information.
50. Gene Halbert seconded the motion.
51. Motion carried unanimously.
52. Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
53. Respectfully submitted, Rayvon Strickland, secretary.