Calls from neighbors:
Complaints have been received concerning dogs who deposit their doggy packages on neighbor's lawns. Yes, those Wal-Mart sacks can be used for handy tasks! .....Also attention all cat lovers. There are leash laws for cats too. Cats who are allowed to roam free have caused tree damage and killed vegetation in flower beds. They also like to eat our lovely birds! Sorry bird lovers! Let's keep our neighbors happy!
Remember to drive slow - we all are in a hurry to get home but you don't want to hurt a child or a beloved pet in the process!
Volunteers needed to circulate and chair committee for petitions to downzone two lots in our neighborhoods. One lot is zoned C-5 and the other is C-3. C-5 can have outside storage and can be anything except heavy industrial. C-3 can be a resturant, fast food, etc. For more information on zoning go to the City of Mustang web site for zoning regulations. Contact Bob if you want to chair this committee. Bob 376-1430