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- Recent Home Value Results
- $2.0M - 1217 Alvira St Los Angeles, CA 90035
- $319K - 1917 Satsuma St Metairie, LA 70001
- $233K - 3523 Mechanicsburg Dr Indianapolis, IN 46227
- $253K - 4435 Galway Dr Evans, GA 30809
- $204K - 689 Olde Orchard Ct Columbus, OH 43213
- $253K - 1572 Grassy View Dr Fort Worth, TX 76177
- $253K - 1572 Grassy View Dr Fort Worth, TX 76177
- $296K - 34 Glen Cir Seymour, CT 6483
- $296K - 34 Glen Cir Seymour, CT 6483
- $254K - 57 Wexford Ct Shelbyville, KY 40065
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Real Estate, Property Values and Homeowner Resources
- Features of Reverse Mortgage Loans
A reverse mortgage is special type of loan for senior homeowners that use a home's equity as collateral and you do not have to repay the loan as long as this home remains your principal residence. Because a...
- Loan Modification: Is it Right For You?
What is loan modification? How is it different than refinancing a mortgage and what does it take to qualify for a lenders loan modification program. What is loan modification? President Obama recently...
- First Time Home Buyer Financial Assistance
This is the second in a series of articles for first-time home buyers. This article discusses the exceptional opportunities that exist for financial assistance for First-Time Home Buyers. First Time Home...
- What Is A Short Sale?
Short sales are on the rise as foreclosure rates continue to mount. Why? Because homeowners, who have fallen behind on their mortgage payments and have seen the value of their homes drop below the purchase...